67. Perspective of Preference

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In celebration that Florida just became the 36th state to legalize same sex marriage, I'll be writing as much as possible to update my stuff, because I want you to be as happy as I am right now! That includes posting a few of the poems I've written in the last few weeks. I was without wifi for most of these last 2 weeks so I just saved them and stored them away to update later. But now I can post them!

Okay, sorry, I just heard about this news a few minutes ago, so I'm kind of pumped up now.

I wrote this for you guys a little while ago, and it fits the theme for this update. Sorry if the format is weird, the new updated wattpad never seems to let me format it in a way you can easily read it.

Though love is more than overly abundant,

Others act like there'll be drought,

If permitted to kiss who I desire

With not a care to prejudiced thought.

In some ways I'm accepted as is.

With others, hate is presented awards.

Even innocent thoughts of sweetness

Are called out in the name of their Lord.

Their lord 'fore my god

is of a power.

Of goodness and grace and

Only more love each hour.

He promises at birth

to never turn away

A soul who is loyal,

Whether "normal" or gay.

And I believe only in

this God in my heart.

Who'll love me without care,

to my preference of parts.

Why is it so wrong

To love; to give; to care;

About another person

Only based on what they wear?

Doesn't it just make perfect sense

to want to love one for their soul?

Because their outer wonders are not that important

compared with all that of their whole?

I love how those who preach to fall

for only the character, never just beauty,

Are then the same ones looking
down upon us

And our loved ones for acting too "butch" or too "fruity".

They're disgusted by my inconsiderate
tendency to blindness;

and revolted with how my reason to be,
Is apparently far too similar to me;

but still I'll only hand to them these
acts of love and kindness.

I'll turn the other cheek and give respect that is not due,

A kindness never shown to me and while turning black and blue,

At least I won't be regretful and pained;

My face is a pity but my conscience unstained,

For I'm fighting for peace and a cause that is true.

And though so afraid, I'll still always love you.

Even as they force me

To question who I am inside.

My open heart gives superpowers to

turn into steel and ignore the snide,

The snide words,

slid into pockets of coats,

Of innocent lovers

Cut so many poor throats,

That could have possibly uttered the words
that might've saved lives one day.

But now they've all been silenced,
And by God, I hope you'll pay.

We'll build our growing kingdom,
Straight from all the blows and stones they've thrown.

You see, we may always be wrong in their eyes,
So we might as well be right in our own.

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