57. Separate But Equal.

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I just don't understand.

At the moment, I am sitting in a German restaurant with my mother, father, and my aunt and uncle who are visiting for the weekend.

A topic just came up that angers me profusely.

Once again the topic of gay marriage has come up and I've been being forced to sit here choking down cardboard food for the last ten minutes as they say things like, "I don't mind them being together and its nice they're happy and all but marriage should be a sacred union between a man and a woman. That's the way its always been."

Fuck that. Just fuck that because it's absolute bullshit.

I've never had a real deep love for someone of the same sex, not consciously at least, but if I ever did, I wouldn't be against going after that and seeing where it took me. And it'd be hard but you don't get to choose who you love. It just happens.

But just because I might fall in love with the wrong person, I can't do something as simple and traditional and valued in society like having a marriage? All because I "chose" wrong.

But its not a choice.

How does it affect anyone else? Truthfully! I have a couple friends who are bisexual and I know a few guys who are fully gay.

You can say it's a choice and that homophobia makes sense and even that denying your fellow human beings basic rights is completely necessary to your life, but until you've had someone crying in your arms, asking about how God could hate them and other people could make fun and ridicule all for their love for another person, you cannot speak.

I used to think a civil union was a good compromise and that this gay rights shit was exactly that. Shit. Dumb. Pointless and too dramatic. But then I really thought about it and realized something. There is no reason that any compromise should be made at all. Saying that having a civil union and marriage be allowed to exist respectively for the LGBT community, saying that is fair, is like trying to say the "Separate But Equal" Jim Crow laws back in the sixties were fair and legal and right. Its not the same and there is no reason gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married, real married, unless you just think your love is more valuable and worth more than theirs, solely based on which type of genitals you have.

What about those rare cross breeds, hmm? The guys born with boobs or girls with pretty long hair and sweet faces and skinny waists and then a dick under their skirt? What about them? Guess they'll get tossed out to the lonely streets of "separate but equal" too. But I mean, it is their fault they're freaks, right? They did choose to be born like that in this world after all. Actually, why did they choose to be born at all? What a waste of air-


Oh yeah. That's right. They didn't choose.

I could never hurt another person like that to deny them true unity in marriage, a tradition that a "Civil Union" could never hold a candle to, and you should be ashamed of yourself if you could.

Support it please and help spread word. I wrote this little thing fast, I'm sorry if I wrote any facts wrong. Just a heads up, I'm basing this on my own life experience and friends and things may be different than where you live. I'm still getting to know things like lgbt rights, I wasn't much allowed to speak about those things before.

Edit 2017: huh..wow..so I'm super gay, guys. Just a heads up. I just was very sheltered and didn't know that until I was 17 apparently. This is hilarious,  go straight-presenting Dustin lmao😂

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