26. I don't deserve anything good

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I'm so angry. I was sick today and my friend just told me that the teacher won't give us credit for a project we completed because I couldn't be there to present. I hate my life. I didn't want to punch a wall or break something and then get yelled at so I wrote some badly crafted poem. I don't care if you like it. This is real, not just some hokey fake-deep shit. I really feel this way right now and I'm really ready to just dive off the nearest cliff. But I won't. I'm a coward. I think this author's note is longer than the actual poem but fuck it. I don't even know what I'm saying, or why I'm so pissed but it is what it is. Enjoy.

Hating a world

full of anguish and fear.

Hardship gone mad

and people so queer.

I make their lives worse

by making mine better,

And though it still hurts,

its as light as a feather.

Wishing I could turn back

the hands of time

And knowing that the credit

isn't rightfully mine.

I took the easy way out,

Didn't ever think about

What it might do to them.

I'm selfish and

Foolish and

Lazy as all hell.

Please promise me that

If you ever hear me yell,

You'll ignore me because

The suffering is my own doing

and I deserve every ounce

of the storm that is brewing.

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