52. I Walk The Nights

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Keep in mind this was written as a song, hence the odd flow.


I walk along these streets alone.
Paving paths for all the lonely
people to follow back home,
Forever on my own.

And that's okay.
I always say
I never cared much

I frown so deeply to myself,
slouched down deep into the couch.
I know I shouldn't
feel uncomfortable,
in my own house.

But I do.

So I walk all these nights away.
Never seen anything more beautiful during any day.
These stars and the moon and the way I can roam
Make me so desire to just never go back home.

I don't need another friend.
I just need the sky.
I don't want to see an end;
'Don't want to say goodbye.

I walk this heavy pain away,
dreaming of a could be.
One day I'll find a way
to make this world be
finally a better place,
to make reality
maybe have a better taste.

I don't need another friend.
I just need the sky.
Tonight not picturing an end,
Just testing wings to fly.

So I walk this night alone
No one tries to comforts me;
Completely on my own.

I'm testing out the waters.
No one knows what's after this
but it cannot be much worse
so I stand ready with clenching fists.

And then I walk this life away,
Off the cliff where futures decay.
Test my wings now, will I fly?
Or is this another sad goodbye?

Yeah. This was a song I wrote, hence why the flow is so strange. It's a lot better as a song than a poem. I published it anyway because I thought you might find it interesting and on here I could dissect the different meanings for you.

I wasn't planning to write an even more depressing poem than the last one but I suppose it can be looked at in a few different ways if you actually try to not just see the bad it could be speaking of. I can see a lot of good and positivity in it too if I think of the poem/song metaphorically.

Here are the two meanings. Choose whichever you'd like:

Negative POV: It's about someone who is sad and upset with life, tired of helping others, with some type of bad home life(its not specified what kind). They take walks during the nights to get away from the stress and pain and one night just decide they can't bear to go home again to that ugly old life and instead, choose to commit suicide, stepping off the ledge, walking their life away.

Positive POV: It's still about someone who is deeply unhappy with who they are and how their life has been, and someone who has a bad home life. It's still them taking walks during the nights to get away from it all. But instead of suicide, say the "cliff where futures decay" is really just an analogy for where they are now in life, seemingly stuck in place in an unhappy reality, not going anywhere, not yet having the courage to grow their wings and fly to that place they want to be, where they could be at their full potential. Them testing out their wings and stepping off the cliff then, instead of an ending of their life, could mean they are finally taking a chance on becoming that person they want to be and going after what they want from this life. So that could be what it's about too, especially the end. Will they fly/succeed or "is this another sad goodbye" aka will the risk, the leap of faith they took, lead to their ultimate failure?

But they'll for sure never succeed if they don't take the leap so they take it anyway and just pray for the best.

Interesting? Or no?

Just remember, it's always better to look at the positives than the negatives. Always.

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