56. They Don't Get It

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I've realized it may be hopeless

For they don't get it, I have found,

And they refuse

to try on my shoes

And take a look around.

It's so easily frustrating,

All these stupid little things.

Yet still I try to make them understand

Even as they clip my wings.

How can they not see

that as they hold the bar so high,

I jump and stretch and attempt to reach;

And I swear I always try.

But its just too high to achieve

So then I drown us all in lies.

I'm sitting on the hardwood thinking,

Staring at the paint-spattered floor.

Wondering how to be better

And as always wishing for more.

More time to explain myself

to them, more words to speak.

More gravity in my position,

And a million less promises to keep.

I wish for two more adequate people

To help me find my voice

And make me stand my ground for once,

And show me I have a choice.

It can't go on like this forever.

I don't even want to smile.

What's it going to take to make them see

me, and not a child?

The only thing they do is hurt me,

Followed by asking why I cry.

And its a lose-lose situation.

I just wish I had more time.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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~Dustin the Great

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