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Jennifer's POV.

"Sit down, please" I motioned my hand over the couch that was in front of me.

"A couch?" She said making me look up at her. She was eyeing it. "Would you rather sit on the chair? Just take a seat" I smiled and looked at her waiting to see what she was about to do.

"It's alright, whatever, I just need to get over this." She said letting her bag fall from her shoulder to the couch followed by her sitting down and crossing her legs. I just started at her. That's all I could do. She then moved her legs over the couch, laying down and letting her hands rest on her stomach. "Wait no...ugh" she sighed and then sat straight again running her hand through her hair. A small grin was on my face. She was nervous, but she didn't let you find it out easily, I was used to this kind of behaviors.

"Are you comfortable now?" I asked slowly sitting down. She didn't answer. I grabbed my glasses placing them on again and then I looked at her, she was doing the same, looking at me. She then rested her fist under her chin. I smiled and after a few seconds of eye contact I started talking.

"Why are you here?" I asked in a deep yet not too intimidating tone. She sighed hard rolling her eyes looking for something in her purse. A file. She handed it to me and as soon as I grabbed it, I opened it and started going through it. It was a note from Taylor Harris.

"Oh so you're --- hmm" I continued reading.

"He's an ass, and I'm stupid." She said making me move my eyes to her. "Why?" I tilted my head. She licked her lips and took her jacket off as she placed her elbows on her thighs.

"I hate people" she said and I rested  back on the chair just listening to her, she was close to open about the situation, she was hesitating at first.

"I started working with this company not too long ago, I'm pretty good at what I do, I love my workplace, I hate the people I work with...they're...I can't stand them, so- they sent me here" "That's all?" I asked, things were going that way, but not exactly. "N- yes" she shrugged. "This note says otherwise" I let my teeth bite my lower lip and she rolled her eyes pressing her lips together.

"I screwed one of my coworkers, some stupid head noticed it and she told my boss and I almost lose my job. So I kinda...attacked her after I knew what she did. The only way for me to keep my job was him sending me here. They think I have some sort of problem"

I nodded. "This says you have an enormous mental problem...? Why is that?" She, once again, rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "What? Are you seriously? He's ridiculous- the only reason I'm trying to keep this is because I was transferred from my old one and I want this position, I know I deserve it, they pay me great, and I just love it..." "But?" I slowly asked, "what's the mental problem he mentions?" She grinned being irritated. When I was about to talk she interrupted me. "I'm lesbian- I like pussies, I like women, I screwed one at the office, someone caught us, she told Taylor and now I'm here, because I apparently have a mental issue for having different tastes...She probably told him because she wants me fired" she said and I nodded. I wasn't expecting this. I was actually shocked, she was beautiful and I bet every single man on earth would be behind her, I wasn't expecting her to go and tell me she liked women.

"This is just wrong" I said and shook my head closing the file, "I'll have a talk with Taylor about this note" "So can I leave? Are you gonna tell him I don't need this? I just- don't like this whole, psychologist situation" "Sadly, you can't, you have to do the whole process so I can write an inform saying you're capable of going back to work, as a "healthy" person" I explained. "So I have to come here for...how long?" "6 weeks" I said. "Everyday!!!?" Her eyes winded. "No...twice a week" I said now standing up walking to my desk" she stood up following me sitting at the chair in front of my desk. "Can I just skip it? And just write down that I'm okay and I can go back to do my thing" "Ha! Nice try, you are not mentally damaged for liking girls, but you sure as hell are for hating on everyone and reacting the way you did" I said and she bit her lip making a face. She rested back as I continued writing down some things. "But there's nothing" she shrugged, "there's absolutely nothing, I don't have anything to talk about I just simply hate them" "and why is that," "They're stupid" she said. I didn't answer. I finished there and stood up walking to where I was before.

"Do I get to be back to my job tomorrow?" She said biting on her nail. I narrowed my eyes eyeing her behavior. "You do. You're under observation." "Like a criminal" she said under her breath and a smile formed on my lips. She noticed. "Isn't it true?" She lifted her eyebrow asking. "I just need to be back to work, I don't care about anything else" she assured.

Before I could do much, the first hour ended.

"It's all for today." I said standing up. "This is going to be this boring the whole 6 weeks?" She asked standing up putting on her jacket. "Probably, it depends on you...how much you wanna talk, how much you want to share..." I walked to the door opening it for her. She walked passed me, leaving her scent. I closed my eyes letting it take over. It was a smell I knew I would be attached to. She turned around and smiled at me, "When should I be back?" She asked looking straight into my eyes. "Whenever you want, you just have to call and place an appointment" "Monday?" She asked sticking her hand inside her pocket. "Sure" "Same time, Monday, I'll be here" she said before placing her sunglasses on again. "Goodbye" I said and she walked away. I checked her from head to toe, stopping on her perfectly shaped ass. Those jeans were doing a great job. I bit my nail and shook my head, she opened the door and finally exited.

"She's gonna come over again on Monday, same time" I said to Brenda. "But- you have someone for that day already" "Reschedule it" I said before walking inside my office.

She was sweet, she didn't show it, but she was. She didn't like people knowing she had a sweet side, so she played the tough girl role. To be honest she was really good at doing it.

I read her, and I definitely knew what was going on with her. I didn't wanna scare her at first, but if I wanted I could've just started to talk about how she was a workaholic person, or maybe the fact that she hated everyone because deep inside she didn't like the work she did.

I needed to know her a little more, to let her open up to me a little more, that way I would be sure about the things I was thinking. I knew they were true. But I was hoping I could assure it.

Hours went by and I had three more sessions before going home.

"See you on Monday, Brenda, have a nice weekend" I walked pass her, "Same to you, Dr. Jennifer"

Even though the office was mine, the building wasn't, there were some others psychologists and doctors in general.

I drove to my house doing the same I always did. I got inside greeting my dog and serving food on his plate. After that I went upstairs to change my clothes and take a quick shower and my phone started ringing. I glanced over it and it was Dana. I ran my hand through my hair knowing she would just ask me to go out with her. I sighed and picked the phone.

"Hi baby" I softly said as I turned the shower off. "You up for some fun?" She asked with this seductive voice of hers. I rolled my eyes biting my lip. "Always when it comes to you" I said back hearing how she grinned. "I'll be there in thirty minutes" "Long enough" I said and laughed a little. I hung up and started to get ready.


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