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Jennifer's POV.

It didn't last that long huh? I just ignored it, I didn't want to deal with any of that, I was tired, and my head was full of thoughts, that's why I didn't like any of this kind of things, the whole getting into someone and trying to figure out what the fuck do I want or what does she want...This was so much of a trouble, things were never easy, never, I would screw it easily, and faster than anything, it was something I was good at, screwing things, but one thing was sure, when I wanted something -or someone, I would do anything and everything in my power to get it. It most of the time worked perfectly, but I wasn't sure if I wanted her, I mean yeah of course I did, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to get...with her...You know what I mean? I wasn't sure if I wanted to go through it all this relationship thing. What Lucy said, its true, commitment freaks me out, I don't like it, I've never, I've always felt like if I get into it, I will stop being free somehow, things got complicated. I was so used to being alone and do things for myself only. I didn't feel like doing it. Part of me wanted to, to be honest, but I was tired of just thinking about getting in the whole thing. I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing. It was Dana. I tried leaving it, ignoring it, but she insisted, and I didn't have other choice. Well I did, but I just picked it.

"What do you want?" I said right away.

"I texted you"

"What do you want?" I insisted.

"Can I come ove-"

"No" I cut her off and sighed. "Please" she begged. "I said no, go to bed, that's what I'll do, have a good night" I said and hung up. I knew she would call me again so I turned the do not disturb option on. Not today Satan.


On Monday.

It was 8:30 and Leah wasn't there, which was weird. As usual, my mind started making bunch of things up. Maybe she realized it was useless to try to get to me...yet again she needed this to continue working on that company. Maybe she didn't wanna see me and she was leaving her work and everything else, because of the things I said. Hmm.

"Brenda did Leah call you? I mean...Ms. Remini?" She looked at the little notebook on her desk and flipped pages looking for something. Then she shook her head. "Nothing...She was supposed to be here like thirty minutes ago?" I nodded, "that's why I wondered, maybe she's going to be late" "She's the only patient you have today so maybe you could wait for her?" She suggested and I made a face. "Can you try calling her?" She nodded looking down her notebook again. She then grabbed the telephone. "Send it to my office" I said referring to the call and walked inside closing the door behind me. I sat down and I saw the little red light on indicating me the call was happening.

"Leah?" "Yeah?" Her voice was croaky and then I figured she was sick. "Hi it's Jennifer- I mean, Dr. Lopez" I said and rolled my eyes at myself. "Oh shit!!! I'm sorry I didn't call there to let you know I wasn't able to go, I'm sick, really sick I can barely move" she said and sounded so tired. Oh god. "Have you taken something?" I asked, I was truly worried, she's told me she had no one, so who would take care of her if she couldn't do it herself? Not even the girl she was screwing at the office, the other day she made it very clear it was just something about sex.

"Nope" she said and started coughing and then groaned. "But I'm fine though, it'll pass. Hmmm, again, I'm sorry I didn't call, I'll be two hours on Friday then? To make it up" she suggested but I wasn't into sessions right there, I was worried about her being sick and not having someone to take care of her. She would never heal, she would just get worse. "Yeah it's alright. I'll see you then, take some rest" I said and then hung up before even letting her talk. I then dialed Brenda's number. "Can you do me a favor?" "Sure, what is it?" "Can you get me Leah's address?" "Oh...sure, give me some minutes" she said and I smiled. "Thank you"

Since Leah was the only patient I had, I was done for the day, sometimes it was this easy and it was so hard for me, waking up early for just one hour session was torture, but I was okay knowing I could come home and sleep the whole day. But that day was a little different, I was actually not going to my house, not right away. I turned my laptop off and walked out grabbing my purse.

"Got it?" I asked closing the door behind me. "Yeah, do you want me to send it through a message or?" "Yeah sure, why not, thank you" I said and she smiled. "Anytime." "I'll see you tomorrow, Brenda. Just close here and you can go home" I said and she looked surprised. I gave her a smile and walked to my car. I drove all the way to the supermarket and got some stuff to cook soup. Then I went for some medicine for the flu. Yes, I was doing what you're thinking I was doing. I payed for it and then headed to the address Brenda sent me. I parked outside a building and just stared at it, not being sure if I actually wanted to do that. I mean I wanted but...I didn't know how she would take it. It took me some minutes, fifteen to be exacts, to get my mind straight, I grabbed the bags and walked inside.

"Good afternoon Ms, are you visiting? I've never seen you before" the doorman said. "Uh...I'm- yeah basically" I smiled at him. "Apartment number?" He asked. "Hmm...tenth floor apartment 4" I said and he looked down. "Ms Remini" he smiled looking down on some papers and then shook his head. "You're not here, when she gets visitors she usually let us know first, should I worry?" He said trying to be funny. "She's sick, that's why I'm here" I showed him the bags and smiled not wanting to deal with him any longer. "I will take care of her" hm, that sounded nice, and I felt weird saying it but it was true. "Oh I see, okay, I'll trust you, you seem like her type" he said and my eyes winded and I'm pretty sure I blushed. He laughed and I smiled rolling my eyes. How awkward.

"You can come in" he said and opened the door so I could get in the elevator. Once at her door I walked from side to side for some minutes, I was so nervous and I didn't know why. Maybe I thought she wouldn't let me come in. Shit. What the fuck was I doing there? Things were about to get messy.


Dana 0 - Leah 1????? Hmm.


updating bc someone v special pushed me. *shrugs*


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