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Leah's POV.

Around the weekend I started getting sick, on Friday I already had some sort of thing going on in my throat but I didn't pay attention and on Saturday I woke up with a completely sore throat, I was coughing and I couldn't stand still, I was weak, I could barely move. I left my bed like twice and it was because I needed to pee, really badly, otherwise I'd have stayed in bed. I wasn't hungry, and when I stood up to go to the bathroom I grabbed some snacks I had at the mini bar I had in my room. Nothing too fancy, some chips and a bottle of water, my sore throat didn't allow me to eat properly and I just wanted to sleep. I was probably hot but what could I do? I just slept and hoped it would go away. On Monday I was literally dead. It took me some minutes, painful ones to get my ass to the bathroom to pee. That's when I went for another bottle of water and some cracker. I then got in bed and fell asleep. I was having some sort of dream, or a nightmare I don't know, I woke up sweaty and then I realized my phone was ringing. I picked it and threw myself in bed again. It was from Jennifer's office. I completely forgot about the sessions. I didn't even call to work to let them know I was sick. I was truly dying there. I had no one to take care of me and well, I wasn't in the position of doing it myself. I didn't even have any pill or something to help me feel better. Since I usually didn't get that sick I didn't own any medicine, plus I was always working and I moved recently so... When I was about to fall asleep again I heard the doorbell.

"Shit!" I groaned. I was going to ignore it. I wasn't going to stand up and go all the way downstairs to see who it was. I wasn't expecting anyone, and no one knew me, the ones who did, thought I was probably working so. I let it. But whoever it was, didn't stop. I had to stand up because I was starting to have a fucking headache, like if I wasn't feeling shitty enough. It took me some minutes to go downstairs. "I'm coming!" I tried yelling but my voice cracked right away. My throat was killing me. I was so weak my legs failed me, I had to be holding the walls. When I opened...

"What!?" I kinda yelled. It hurt.
"Hey" and then I heard that voice and I immediately looked up to meet her beautiful worried and flawless face. "How- but...I mean- wh- what? How do you know- I" I moved my hand to my throat was begging me to stop talking for the good of we both. I frowned and then she spoke, "Do you mind if I come inside and take care of you?" She said with her sweet little voice that was a total different one as the one she used at her office. She was truly concerned and since I wasn't feeling alright, and I was weak, when she said that it hit me, I wasn't truly alone and I'd have probably died if she wasn't the sweet person she was. I got emotional. She came all the way here to take care of me...I sobbed and she looked at me and put her hand on my arm. "Hey are you okay?" She asked. "Let's go inside" and of course my legs failed and I almost fell down. "Oh my god" she said and dropped the bags she had in her hand. "Let's get you to the couch." She said and helped me all the way to the couch. Then she walked to pick the bags from the floor and glanced around, looking, I guess, for the kitchen because when she saw it she walked right away there and placed the bags there. She then walked to the door and closed it.  "Look-" she said and walked to me putting her hands inside her pockets. I was just speechless there looking at her walking around my house like if she was some sort of angel. "I- this is so weird I know, but I figured you had no one to take care of you and well, you can barely walk so I assume you're not doing so much for yourself" she said and had a side smile. "So...I'm not sure if you're alright with this, if you want this but I'll stay a bit taking care of you- of course if you don't mind" "I don't have too many options" I replied being a stupid smart ass. Yeah, way to go. She grinned and then shook her head. "You look like shit" she said and I giggled. "Thank you doc" "Just call me Jennifer...or Jen" she said and she must've noticed my expression because she turned over, she got blushed. I was speechless. What was all of this? Just a few days ago she told me she didn't want anything with me...well not really but...okay wait but she was just taking care of me because she felt bad about me not having someone. This wasn't a marriage proposal or something. Stop overthinking.

"Okay then...you can call me Leah" I shrugged and she laughed covering her mouth. How cute. "It's not like I call you patient" she added. I nodded. "Are you cold? What do you feel?" "My throat, my body hurts, I believe I'm hot, I feel weak, my eyes hurt, everywhere actually, my head started aching thanks to someone hitting the doorbell like there was no tomorrow" "I'm sorry" she made a face, "Do you have any thermometer?" I shook my head. "Great, then how do we know about your fever?" "Well I feel like I'm burning. But you can always call the doorman and ask him to get it. Hand me the phone" I said and she did. "I'll cook something. I got some stuff and I'll cook something my mom used to when I was sick" "Used to?" "Oh no no, used to as in, when I lived with her, she's not- oh god no, she's alive" she said and smiled. God she's so cute, I could literally get healed just by looking at her smile. It actually made me feel better. I called the doorman and she got in the kitchen. She started putting things out of the bags and preparing some stuff. A few minutes after I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up I had a blanket covering my whole body and I had a cold towel in my head, the house smelled so yummy, It filled my almost not functioning lugs. I stayed like that for some minutes and then I saw her coming over me with her gorgeous smile. "Feeling any better?" She asked. I made a face. "Stand up. Let me check your throat. Open up" she said and I did. "Oh no- close! Close it!" She gasped and walked away. "What is it?" I asked. "Here, take this pill for the body pain, and I'll call Roxanne to ask for some antibiotics. Your tonsils are crying for help, you probably have tonsillitis. I bet my life on it, I'll call an actual doctor to verify" she said. I was just looking at her  with a face on. "Al-alright...Why did you panic?" "Oh, it's contagious" she said and I nodded, "Oh now I get it..." I glanced over and my house didn't look like an actual mess and it was weird because it wasn't this clean before I fell asleep. "Jennifer? Did you clean all this?" I said and she nodded with her phone on her ear.

"Yeah I know I'm asking for too much but could you just come over for some minutes? Just to check on her...Yeah...mhm, I checked it and yeah I believe it's tonsillitis" she said talking through the phone. "Alright then, thank you baby" then she hung up.

"I cleaned your room too and all the sheets are in the washing machine right now. You can't be sleeping in those, they were gross...Since when you've been sick?" "Friday?" Her eyes winded. "Friday afternoon" I said. "Shit...well you're gonna start feeling better, I prepared some chicken soup and that's key. Roxanne is coming over to check on you and you're going to start taking antibiotics right away, to get rid of that painful thing in your throat, you gotta wash it off. Ugh that's so painful. I've had it like twice and it's the worse." She said and I shrugged. "I've never had it, that I can recall. Maybe as I kid I did but I can't remember and yeah, this shit hurts so badly" I explained to her and she walked over to me with a bowl filled with soup. "You gotta eat it all, all, no buts" she said. "Yes mom" I grabbed the spoon and started eating it. I saw her walking inside te kitchen again going to the room where the washing machine was. Minutes later she walked back to me and sat down in the sofa in front of the one I was and smiled crossing her super toned legs. Yes, she was wearing a dress. A tight one. Which I noticed right there after all the time she had been there. It was a mid long sleeve with a little cleavage and it was a little bit above her knees, some sort of brown, between brown and beige. I don't know what's that color but it looked great on her. And some matching heels. Her hair was in a ponytail and her face was shiny, the sweaty type of shiny. She was doing so much for me. I was eating and just looking at her, she still had that beautiful smile on her face.

"How did you like it?" She asked right when I finished. "Best soup I've ever tried. Seriously" seriously it was so good. "I believe I'll have another one, I haven't had a proper meal since...Thursday night?" I said and her eyes winded and her jaw almost hit the floor, she covered her mouth and stood up shaking her head. "Incredible! You have to take care of yourself first! Do you really expect someone to just come and do it for you? And don't answer me with that smart mouth of yours, because yeah I know I just got her to take care of you, but that's not how it goes. You gotta take care of yourself, Leah, nobody but you knows what's truly the best for you." She finally said and then walked over to me and grabbed the bowl walking inside the kitchen. I was just staring at her in shock, girl got an attitude.




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