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Jennifer's POV.

"Leah, sit down" I demanded and she turned around looking at me in disbelief. We made eye contact for a few seconds and I motioned my hand over the sofa, "Sit down." I repeated keeping my tone. She sighed and made her way back. "Talk to me" I said and she bit her cheek. "I yelled at him, he said awful things to me and about me, and if it wasn't for his stupid ass secretary I would have kicked his damn ass" she said and I narrowed my eyes but quickly eased my look. "Why?" "He hates me, ever since he found out I am lesbian he hates me" I didn't ask why because I knew he was a miserable homophobic soul who would make her life a living hell just because he didn't agree with her preferences. "What happened exactly?" "He started saying stuff and I couldn't let him call me sick again so- I defended myself and well...I got a little out of control" she shrugged.

"Why are you so aggressive?" I moved the pen I was holding to my mouth and bit on it slightly. "I don't know" she said. She did, she did know exactly why. "Are you sure?" She nodded. "I don't know? I believe you can guess it or something, work your magic. I don't know" "Are your parents together?" "My mom passed away six months ago before I moved here and my dad is a jerk, who's too busy fucking girls around and working"

There we got it.

"How are you handling your mom's death?" She looked away and sighed. "Okay?" "I don't know, you tell me" "I miss her a lot" she said and I could see how her eyes got glassy. "Yeah not so well, I'm trying to keep my mind busy just to stop thinking about her" "Do you have any siblings?" "Two sister and a brother" I wrote down and continued, "Are they close to you?" "We talk...not everyday, but we do, but no, I don't think we are close at all" "Any relationship?" "That if I am in one?" I nodded. "Sorta. I don't think so...maybe I am." "The girl you're screwing at the office?" "Yes...but I'm not sure. I would love to, but..." she shook her head. I was about to talk but she interrupted me. "I kept on fucking girls around- but I just can't get what I want, this one came, and I really felt something special, until she told me she only wanted me as a fuck buddy. She literally comes and goes like the seasons. It hurt me and I wanted to stay away. I couldn't. I can't...I can't leave her, if I do then that's it, at least staying as friends I still get to see her and fuck her from time to time...you know what I mean?" I nodded still taking notes, "Are you afraid of ending up alone?" I asked straight forward and she looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes wide open. I hit right on the spot. She stayed quite a little, she was figuring out what to answer. "So...?" "I- I guess I am" she whispered frowning. I nodded. "What are you looking in this woman? Are you trying to be something other than just a friend or a fuck buddy?" "I just...I feel very lonely, I truly feel bad, I don't like the feeling of being alone, my house is empty, it's cold, it feels weird, my mom died and I just, feel alone, like there's no one out there for me." "And you're vulnerable and fragile" I added and she nodded looking at me not believing I said what she was about to. "So you fill your loneliness with work and cause yourself some trouble at the office. You're a workaholic...did you know that?" I asked and she thought about it for a second. "Is that a bad thing?" "In some cases it is" "Mine?" She asked worried, "Maybe" 

"Do you drink, smoke, or something like that?" "I drink" "How often?" She ran her hand through her hair, "Everyday" she said almost whispering, she was ashamed. "Why?" "It helps me forget all the shit I'm into" "Does it work?" "I said it helps" she shrugged. "How many glasses and what do you have?" "Vodka, or scotch...or beers, it all depends..." "You drink until you can't take it anymore?" "No...maybe four glasses?" "That's the same thing, that is a lot" "Now, are you gonna send me to AA?" "Not yet, if you promise to lower it to at least two glasses four times a week. Just the beginning" I said. "How will you know I'm following this?" "If you want to feel better, that's what you gotta do" I said and shrugged.

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