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Jennifer's POV

I fell asleep. I eventually moved the little couch closer to her bed and laid my head there holding her hand, and yes, I fell asleep. I was again woken up but this time by a soft touch on my face. It took me some seconds to be fully awake and understand what was happening. I opened my eyes slowly and noticed how I wasn't holding Leah's hand. I looked up quickly and clearly in shock...She was smiling softly at me. She had this weak and tired face but she was there smiling at me and it all got together. I got teary. That's all I needed. Few seconds later I started crying and she grinned softly. "Don't cry, please" she whispered softly with her husky voice. "You're awake" I muttered and my voice cracked a little. She giggled, "Clearly" she raised her eyebrows. "And you're being a smart ass...you're back!" I smiled and she giggled a little harder. "Don't make me laugh, it hurts." I stood up and moved closer to her pecking her lips keeping my forehead against hers, "I'm so happy you're here" I said and she smiled sweetly. "Thank you for staying in here, with me...and you know..." she said and I nodded, "It's okay! Does your father know you're awake?" I asked and she nodded, "The doctors checked on me already, I just told them to let you sleep, my dad told me how you stayed here the whole night and then today again. Words will never be enough...thank you" she said and I was sobbing. "I think my period is coming, I've been extra emotional... and it's okay, I just needed you awake...Leah, what happened?" I asked making a face. "I don't know, Jen...all I remember is that I had my phone and then it fell down and I started looking for it and I looked down for a second...it was literally a second...and then all I remember was noise, a lot of noise, then I passed out" "I don't know what I would've done if I lost you" I whispered and my voice did that thing, that cracking thing that hardly let me talk properly, and Leah looked at me with this big and tired brown eyes, they started to get glossy. "That's the sweetest thing" she whispered and I shrugged slowly. "This is more than just a me liking someone type of thing, I kinda see myself in the future still with you, I care about you a lot and this made me realize how important you are for me, I thought I'd die if you didn't wake up" I said and moved closer to her again, I kissed her a little deeper this time. When we separated she was already crying, we both were actually. I giggled and cleaned her tears carefully. "We are silly" she said and I rolled my eyes smiling. "I'm happy you're here though...like when I woke up and saw you I thought I was in heaven" she said making me laugh and that made her laugh a little. That's all I wanted, Leah was back.


The next day.

Gino left in the morning, he couldn't skip work any longer, I was so thankful for him, what he did...He's amazing, he's always been. Leah was put into a nicer room, she didn't have all these crazy machines connected to her.

We were currently eating lunch, she was eating hospital food and I was eating some sandwich I got from a cafeteria nearby to the hospital. We were just talking.

"How was meeting my dad?" She asked. "Well...not how I expected it would be...but he's nice, he seems nice" I explained and she laughed a little, "A little awkward, huh? Hm, yeah he is nice...sometimes" Leah shrugged. "I can't wait to be discharged. I absolutely hate hospital's food." She said and made a face. "When is that happening?" I asked. "In a few days, maybe two, the doctor wasn't sure" she explained. "Are you gonna skip work all these days? I mean...It's not like I don't love to have you here but, you have your things and I...I don't know...maybe you should go and, you know" I giggled, "Yeah I get it...But I don't wanna leave until I know you're safe, so I'll wait until you're home" "Oh well, if you want to stay, then I won't argue you that" she said and smiled softly.


Two days after.

We were both inside Leah's dad's car and we were being driven to her apartment, which was surprisingly ready, I think her dad had something to do with it. "Leah, your car was completely destroyed, yet they said they can fix it, meanwhile and just because I've wanted to give it to you for a long time now, there's a Range Rover parked on your building's parking spot, the keys are on the kitchen table." Her dad paused. She looked at me with these wide open eyes and I chuckled quietly. "O-okay? Okay, thank you, but you didn't have to" "I know. But..I just wanted to" "Okay, thank you" Leah said and his dad continued, "I know it's too soon and you're still recovering but I still need you to consider what I asked you the other day...please" He was referring to Leah moving and working at his company. Leah immediately rolled her eyes and looked out the window. "Mhmm" she mumbled not really interested. "Okay...we are here"

I got out and helped Leah out, she was still sore. We made it up to her apartment and a few minutes after her dad left so it was just the two of us.

"I need a shower" she said. "Same. I'm disgusting" I said and she turned around to face me. "What?" I asked innocently. "Nothing." "You okay?" I asked. "Mhm. Get in the tub with me...please" she said and it made me smile. She sounded like a little girl. "Okay" I walked to her and placed a finger down her chin lifting her face and I kissed her lips tenderly.

An hour or so after we were both laying on her bed. "I'm so tired" I whispered. "I imagine. You've been sleeping in a couch for over a week, I feel guilty" "Nooo...don't, it's okay, I'm just tired, this bed is too comfy and I'm happy I got you by my side, and you're actually awake" I giggled and closed my eyes. I needed some rest. She moved her hand up the side of my face and started stroking it and I eventually fell asleep.


Three days after.

Leah was back to normal, she was kind of still sore but it was okay, she still needed to take meds and stuff but she was fine and most importantly capable of doing things by herself. I was finishing washing the dishes after breakfast and I walked over to her, she was sitting on the couch with her MacBook on top of her lap.

"Thank you for making breakfast and you absolutely didn't have to wash the dishes, but thank you for that also" she said and pouted her lips. "It's okay, I wanted to do it. Listen, there is something I wanted to tell you.." she looked confused and you could even tell she was scared of what it could be. "It's nothing bad it's stupid even" I laughed a little. "It's just to let you know I'll be leaving tomorrow morning. I called Gino and he's picking me up" "Oh...he is" she said and then moved her eyes down focusing on her laptop screen again. "Mhmm" I mumbled and walked over to her and sat beside her leaning my head on her shoulder. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Just replying some emails" she said and I just stayed there for a little. "When are you moving back? I want you to be close to me" I asked all of the sudden. I was actually thinking about me leaving and not knowing when she would come over. After that accident I didn't even know if she would want to get on the road again. "I don't think it is happening any time soon" she said sounding salty. "Why?" I jumped from her shoulder and looked at her not believing it. "I thought-" "Yeah I'm not sure, Jen. I don't really want to" "But-" I pouted. "Please...not right now, I have a huge headache and I'm trying to get this done, we can discuss this later" she said in a tone that firstly made me mad and then it was like downhill and I felt sad and even disappointed. Oh well. "Okay..." I said and walked away to her bedroom. I wanted to go away but I didn't have many choices so...



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