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Jennifer's POV

"These are good" I said chewing my food. We ordered breakfast and after showering we were sitting in bed going down on some pancakes with fruit and stuff, it was all fancy. "The company is paying for this, but I just truly want my apartment already" "When are you getting it?" "Girl if I knew..." she rolled her eyes and pouted. "Ugh...well, at least you don't have to cook for yourself and you get this comfy bed" "My bed is better" she said and I shrugged, "I don't know that" "At some point you will" she winked. My phone started ringing and I looked over noticing Jessica's pic. I looked at Leah and she was just looking at me with some sort of look. "Aren't you going to pick it up?" She said and shoved food inside her mouth. I sighed and stood up. "I'll be right back"

"Hi there"
"Baby, where are you?"

Oh shit.

"I'm- remember the company I was doing the conference the other day?"
"Well, I came back here to discuss future ones, I'll head home in a few though, I spent the night in a hotel, it was just too late to drive back"
"Oh, okay...well, I'll be back on Sunday, see you on Monday for lunch"
"Okay, see you then, have a nice day" I finally said hanging up.

"Are you?" Leah asked. "What?" "Doing future conferences" "Oh no- that was just an excuse. But...I mean I don't know, probably, who knows" "Oh okay..." "I'm going to get dressed so I can go back home" "Don't go! I mean what are you going to do all alone this weekend?" "Beau is home alone, I didn't leave my keys to Gino so...I can't stay" "come on...please? I bet there's a solution" Just when her last word left her mouth, there was a knock on the door. I laughed a little and shook my head. "I can't stay, we could probably do something before I leave though" I said walking towards the door. When I opened it, I was as confused as she was.

"Dana? What are you doing here?" I frowned. I was so extremely confused. "Wh-what? Jen? What are you doing here?"

"Oh my god" I heard Leah behind me. I turned around and looked at her still frowning. "What is this?" I asked Leah and she made a face. "I can explain it I swear" Leah said. "I would like to know about it also" Dana said. "Can you like go for a little? I need to talk to her" Leah said and Dana protested but Leah shouted the door closed. Rude.

I was slightly pissed.

"What is it? Why is she here?" "Do you know her?" Leah asked. "Clearly" I said. "Why?" "We are friends- with some sort of benefits...at some point, she wanted to date me...but how do you know her?" "She's the girl at the office, the one I got in trouble for" she said and my jaw dropped. "Dana??" I asked still not believing it. "What the fuck? -how fucking small this damn world is, oh my god" I said. "So...wait...she was screwing you while asking me to let her date me, how funny. What is she doing here?" "We had a thing still going on, but I believe it's just beneficial- you know...But I'm ending it" Leah explained. "I'm not asking you to. I need to get going...I need to get dressed, I need to leave" "But I want to. Why? No you don't need to leave" "Why? Leah, Dana is basically my best friend, I can't just- oh my god" "In your defense, you didn't know we were fucking and I didn't know you two were best friends...so..." "Yeah but...I-" she cut me off. "Plus she was fucking me and you at the same time" Leah said. "Oh my god, stop it...Yeah, either way I need to leave." I said and grabbed my clothes getting in the bathroom to get dressed. After a few minutes I walked out and grabbed my purse. "You talk to her. I'll talk to you later on the week" I said and walked to the door. "Jen..." she called and when I turned around she was walking towards me. She held my chin and kissed me softly. "Drive safe, text me when you're home, baby" she said making it hard for me to breath. How cute. "I will, talk to her, please" "Same goes to you" she said and I nodded, I knew what she meant.

I finally walked out and to the elevator. When I was at the lobby I spotted Dana sitting there. I ignored her and walked to the parking lot where my car was.

Later on Leah texted me saying she talked to Dana and everything was alright, not alright-alright but they talked and things were done. I was pissed at Dana, I couldn't believe she was doing that, but yet again I wasn't in the position, I was doing the same to Jessica...kind of.


"Hi baby" she said hugging me. "How was your flight?" "It was okay." She said and smiled.

I was finally sitting down with Jessica, it was Monday, probably midday. I nodded and then sipped from my drink. I wasn't sure how to start such a conversation as the one I wanted. "So...how was work?" I asked and she looked at me and sighed. "It was good, I set some pretty good things. Jen look-" she started and I freaked out. "I don't know where we are going, I'm not feeling it, I feel you're so distant and I find it so hard for me to get to you, I don't know why, we used to be so perfect back then and it makes me feel bad not being able to have what we had, we kinda lost our connection, I don't even feel like we have the same kind of friendship we had, I don't know if you feel the same way and that's why I wanted to talk to you about it, maybe we are on the same page when it comes to feeling like this, I need you to tell me. What is it?" She finally said. Damn. Too fucking much. "I- wow...I-I don't know...I try but I can't seem to get it right. And yes, I think you're right, we are on the same page, I'm not so into this as I used to be, and I'm sorry I can't be what you want, I just guess I've changed" I said and made a face, she sighed looking away. We stayed quite for a little. "I love you" she said, "you know that I do and that's never going to change" ... "But I cant continue like this...I can't seem to get it right...I just...Id rather end it here and now...before just wasting our time and making effort on something that's not going to change, we've tried but...-I'm sorry...and I'm so sure this is not easy but, we gotta do it for our own good, you know?" she said and her voice cracked. "No! Do not cry! It's okay, I'm not mad or anything I get it, let's face it, we are not the same anymore" I said and shrugged slowly. "Yeah but I feel bad, not being able to give you what you want-" "It's fine, honestly..." I said and she held my hand and rubbed her thumb over it. "Just to make sure...Are we breaking up?" She asked and I laughed a little and nodded, "I think so" "Okay...Are we good?" She asked. "Yes, we are" I said and smiled a little. "We are still super friends right?" She asked and I laughed. "Always" "Oh my god that's great to know, in that case, I'm moving to Norway, it's a work thing" "Oh my-, that is amazing! Isn't there where you've always wanted to be?" I said all excited. "Yes! I'm way too excited, oh my god"

I kind of wanted to tell her about Leah, but I didn't feel like it was the smartest idea, sometimes you just have to save some things to yourself. No details were better in this case.

It's never easy to end something like that, and I guess I was a little bit affected, we couldn't be what we expected to be, I was happy we ended in good terms, it's a great feeling two people who are in a relationship, just sit down and talk about things like grown ass people, just facing the truth, and realizing things are not working as they are supposed, also realizing it's okay if they're not working that way, maybe you're not meant to be, maybe there's just something else. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do when something is not pleasing enough, it's always like that, wether it's a relationship, with a job, or simply anything else, if you got the chance to change something that is not making you feel fully alright, you should take it, without a doubt.




Okay yeah well... maybe you can get excited now 👀


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