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Leah's POV

She came back with it filled with soup and then walked to the kitchen again opening the fridge and getting a bottle of Gatorade out. "Then drink this , you're dehydrated" "How do yo-" "Just drink it! Damnit!" She said and I could see she was pissed. I frowned and then started eating. Oh boy. "I'm sorry, I just-" "It's alright, I get it, I'm too much of a trouble to deal with"  I shrugged. "And you don't care" she added and narrowed her eyes. "I can't do much about it, that's just me" she shook her head. "Yeah, that's what you grew into" she said and when I was about to say something else the doorbell rang and she stood up opening the door. There was Roxanne. The same one who cured my allergies that day.

"Hey there, how you feeling?" She asked and smiled sweetly. "I've been better" I shrugged and she smiled. "Open up a second and I'll let you eat after" she said and I did. "Hmmm- yeah, close it. You were right" she said looking at Jen who was resting on the doorframe with her arms crossed. She made a face and spoke, "I most of the time am." She said making me giggle. "Do you wanna get a shot or a pill?" She asked and I looked at her in disbelief. "A pill!!!" I said. "But shots work quicker" Jen said. "Yeah but pills are less painful, just give me the pill- please" I said. "You have to take this for a week, this is a very strong stuff right here, and sometimes it's just too much for your stomach to handle it, so once you take it you'll probably be nauseous for an hour or two, you could actually throw up and stuff. But it's all on this" she said and pulled a box out of her purse. I nodded taking it from her hand. "Thank you" "Anytime" "Anything else?" I asked softly. "Just drink a lot of liquid, and get your ass in bed for the whole week, because it's going to last exactly a week, you can't go to work not even if you're feeling better. It's contagious" she said and I pouted. "No buts" Jennifer, who was still resting on the doorframe, said. "Okay my work here is done, you have a good afternoon" she said and walked to the door. She whispered something to Jennifer and she shook her head, bit her lip and giggled opening the door for her. Hmm. She closed the door and walked over to me once again, she picked the bowl from the table and walked to the kitchen. "You don't have to do that" I said to her, she was carrying the clean sheets, upstairs. "You can't do it and it has to be done so, let me." She said and made her way up the stairs. I sighed and after like ten minutes she walked down. 

"Feeling any better?" She asked and sat in front of me. "Yeah, thanks" "You heard her, you gotta take the antibiotics everyday for a week. At the same time. So...six o'clock." She smiled. "You look gross, it's bothering" she said. "Then- don't look at me?" I shrugged. She rolled her eyes and stood up. "I don't have the patience to deal with your smart mouth today, and I usually do, to everybody. Nothing special. - stand up, I'm taking you upstairs." She said and I did. She held my arm softly and I walked with her. "Sit here" "Wow, what happened to the mess I had in here?" My room was cleaned and organized. It made me feel better. "It's gone" she said, "You're getting a bath" she added and walked inside the bathroom. Alright this was going to be interesting. I didn't hesitate. "Come here" she demanded and walked me inside the bathroom. "Do you think you can get inside by yourself?" "I'm feeling better but I'm still weak, seriously everything hurts and all I wanna do is sleep I think I could just go to bed like this" she sighed and placed her hand at the top of my pants. Oh my- she pulled them down. I got chills down to my spine. I felt her hand sliding by the side of my legs and I felt in heaven. "Alright then we are doing it your way" I said almost whispering. She giggled quietly. She then took my shirt off and I was left in my underwear. "Do you think you could take care of your underwear?" She asked and crossed her arms looking at my face. Not even for a second she looked down on me. We stayed making eyes contact for some seconds and then I moved my hand to the back my bra taking it off. She tensed and she didn't move. I get rid of the bra and then proceed to take my panties off. She looked away and I noticed how she let her teeth bite her lower lip. "Yeah I could get that done" I said and she looked at me. "I can see that" "Really?" I tried her. She narrowed her eyes. "Not literally, but yeah- get inside" she demanded sticking her hand out for me to grab it. I did and got inside the warm water. "Hmm...this feels so nice on my body, plus I was freezing my ass there, trying to make you look down on my body and stuff, you're not easy" I said and fixed myself inside the water. I heard she giggled and then I heard the door closing. Since I couldn't yell to get her attention, I just let her. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the time there. My body needed it. After I don't know, fifteen minutes? She walked in with clothes in her hand. "No underwear?" I asked not actually seeing any. "Do you sleep with underwear on?" She asked. I shook my head. "I sleep naked" I said, kidding, obviously, I like few clothes but not like naked, unless I've had sex, then yeah. "Well, today you're wearing pajamas because it's cold and you're sick" she said and placed the clothes on the top of the sink. "You done?" She asked. She glanced over and spotted a sponge. She reached out for it and spoke, "turn around" she said got her hand inside the water and started cleaning my back. I closed my eyes and let her. Even though I was being smartass I wasn't feeling okay, I was actually in pain, and I was just feeling down. She finished with my back and moved to my arms. I had my eyes still closed. She played with the water and then I felt her hand on my bare skin, moving the bubbles away. She got my hair wet and then applied shampoo and did the whole process for me. I was under her spell. She was so gentle. After that the touch moved to my face and she cleaned all over carefully moving her hand. I felt her finger tips on my cheek and it truly felt like heaven. I missed some sort of affection like this, it made me feel so much better. It actually relaxed me. Then she spoke, super softly. "Ready to get out?" She asked by then I was resting my head on the side of her arm. "I think so" I murmured and I felt her giggling. "Alright then open your eyes and let's get you out." I did and I saw her smiling. God she's so gorgeous. "Oh god I'm sorry, I got your dress wet" I said and she smiled shaking her head, "it's okay" I went out and I was completely naked in front of her, but still, she wasn't looking down. She reached for the robe hanging at the back of the door and covered me. "Sit here" she told me referring to the top of the toilet. I did and she started drying my hair. She didn't stop doing it until it was completely dry she then brushed it, her gentleness was driving me crazy, it made me feel some type of way. "Let's get you dressed" she said I untied the robe and took it off. That's when I noticed, she looked down, and she actually stared for a couple of seconds. "Finally" I muttered and she looked up my face shaking her head. I shrugged. "I'm cold" I said and closed my eyes. She got me dressed quickly and then we walked outside and she tucked me in bed.

"What time is it?" I asked kind of shaking. I was cold. "Hm- 8:45" she said. I nodded. "I'll be right back" she said and after some minutes she walked in with a cup of something. "I prepared some tea, to help you warm up a little, it's good for your throat also" she said and made me drink it all. She was looking at me, I could feel her look. Her hand moved to my hair and tucked one piece behind my ear. "Feeling better?" She asked almost whispering. I shook my head. "It hurts" I said and started sobbing, I got so weak when I was sick. It could easily get to me. Times like this were the ones I missed my mom more often than normal. "Hey don't cry" she said and moved me so she could get in bed, she brought me closer to her and hugged me. "It's okay you're going to feel better in a few, let's wait for the pills to start working" she said and started stroking my back. "Shhh- it's alright" "Thank- you for taking care of me, you didn't have to- you don't have to I-" "But I want to, relax, just try the get some sleep" she said and grabbed a pillow placing it on top of her thighs and making me put my head there. I did, I needed someone right there. I needed the touch, I needed the affection, I've always needed it ever since I stopped having it...and that was a long long time ago...I've never felt loved enough, or worth it enough. Yeah...I was needy in that way. I've never had this, someone taking care of me, genuinely, like this. I guess my mom did it when I was little but then it all changed and well... I didn't have it anymore, then she died...mess. She stroked my hair until I eventually fell asleep.


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