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Leah's POV

"That's basically what I will present next week. I've been working so hard on it" "Okay that was great, do it again, please...I love to listen to you" Okay so yeah, the girl from my old work, she drove all the way over here to just talk to me and be with me. I was currently telling her a presentation I was going to do on Monday.

I giggled and took a deep breath. "Okay let me start over"

She was so cute, and supportive, like she would actually care about the things I had to say, and we were so deep into the things we were saying to each other and interested in each other...other than just about the sex. It made me so happy to have this with her.

"Baby..." she said and my heart stopped. "Damn Leah..." she continued and I just tried easing my look so I wouldn't look crazy. "I...I think...." she stopped and grinned a little. "What is it?" I asked looking for her eyes. "I think I may be liking you a little more than I firstly had planned." She finished and I froze. "You what?" That was the only thing I said after a few seconds of silence. I wasn't truly sure how to react. Well that was sweet? But...

"Leah?" "I'm - surprised...I mean you said-" "Yes, I know what I said and...I just changed my mind" she said and made a face. "Oh...you just...wow...I need to...I will..." I got up from bed and picked my hoodie and pants from the floor. I put them on quickly and grabbed my shoes and my phone walking out. "Where are you going?" I heard her behind me but she didn't follow me so I was good to go without her stopping me. I grabbed my car keys and walked out of the room.  I needed some time to process this. I wasn't expecting this. I mean...clearly. I didn't even have something that made sense going through my head.

After like 30 minutes of driving around I just parked at some place and laid my head back rubbing my aching head. The only friend I could kind of talk to about these things was a new one I made at the office, Lana. I called her...

"Yes?" She replied with a sleepy voice. "I'm so sorry I woke you up" "Leah? Hmm, no it's okay, what is it?" "I need to talk to you, I need to-" I took a deep breath, "I need to talk to someone or else I will go crazy" I finally said and it was silence for some seconds. "You know where I live...just come over." "I'll see you in a few" I said before hanging out.


"Hello there" "I'm so so so sorry I woke you up, Lana...I'm sorry" "Shhh, it's okay, I bet it's something worth it, just sit down I'll go for something to drink...do you want anything?" "Just water, thank you"

I just got one text from her. "Where the fuck are you?" Ten minutes after she called me and then five minutes after she sent me another text. "Okay, whatever don't pick it up, I'll stay here, so when you decide to come back we can talk about it"

I turned my phone off and I laid back.

"Here" she said and handed me a glass filled with...water. I drank half of it and it hit me, it wasn't water. "what the fuck, Lana?" "It's gonna help you calm the shit down" she said and sipped from her glass, that was possible vodka also. I rolled my eyes. "What is it?" She asked. "So, remember the girl from the office? My old job" she nodded. "Well. She came over and we were just literally hanging out and long story short she basically told me she liked me" I said and just the thought of it made me drink the rest of the liquor. "What but...wasn't that the one who told you she only wanted you as a fuck buddy?" "That's what I'm saying! She changed her mind! I can't like this, Lana. What is this?" She made a face and then bit her lip. "Well...but wait a second. Why didn't you just...take it and...why is this bothering so much?" She asked confused. Hmmm...that question. I shrugged and looked away resting my chin on my arm. "Oh no...tell me it's not what I think it is...Leah, come on! What happened with getting over it and stuff..." "I can't" that's all I could say before my voice cracked. "If you shed a tear I swear to god I will beat your ass, Leah Remini" "Its just- its frustrating!" And there it was, tears were rolling down. "I moved away to get her out of my mind, she came over, we fucked, it was all so nice and wonderfully perfect for a few hours, I was expecting it to be like that for-...not forever but a long time, you know?" "You can't expect anything from anyone, Leah, that's why you constantly get hurt" "I act like if everyone is just willing to do what I would do" I said and wiped those silly tears away. My head was pounding so much, and it all got together, I was frustrated. She nodded slowly. "I get it, but still" "No, if you're willing to make things work then you are going to give them what they expect, it's just...I just...She didn't want anything else from that, other than just a little desire she had and then it's all gone now. Just like that she's back with her girlfriend and I'm here, I just left my hotel room freaking out because a hot, beautiful, caring and loving girl told me she liked me. What have I become?" I said and laughed a little. "I wish I could tell you something that's actually going to help you, or even make you feel better...but...let me try...You have to let her go already, and face it, she was never yours, she is someone else's. So give her up, go back to that hotel room and get the girl who wants you. Stop making yourself go through this, you don't deserve it" "You're right" I said, but deep inside I was just saying that so she would stop. Every word hurt like a knife. But even though I didn't want it to be true, I knew it was, every single word she said.

"You're right, but I won't go back to that hotel room, please let me stay in here, please" I basically begged her. She made a face and shook her head slowly. "You know I won't tell you no, but you should go back to her" "I can't do that just now, I need to calm down and think about it" I said and she nodded. "Okay then, whatever you wanna do, I'll go get you a blanket, I'm sorry I don't have a guest room available." "It's okay, I'll just crash in here" "Or would you rather share bed with me?" "I'll stay here. It's okay, I'm bothering enough already" I said and she shook her head. "You are not! But okay, I'll go get a blanket and some pillows" she said before walking away.

I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. I was going to overthink the shit out of everything and maybe cry a little to free some stress and frustration.

I felt bad for her, I left her all alone and without saying anything. What kind of person does that? I picked my phone and turned it on.

"I'm so sorry you have no idea, I'll go tomorrow morning and we can talk, again, I'm sorry" I hit the send button and waited for it to arrive before turning my phone off again.


Oh my gosh

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