introduction at its finest

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Dawn's P.O.V

I was so going to kill him, Braden was supposed to pick me up at the back entrance in the school, instead I found him at the front entrance trying to convince a girl to get on his car.

"Hey great big brother you are Braden, I have been looking everywhere for you. Didn't Jake remind you that I was going to stay for a while after class." I said in an annoyed tone grabbing both Braden's and the girl's attention.

The girl turned around and stared at me, it was the same red head I had helped during lunch in the bathroom, she was the girl that was having the bad panic attack.

"Oh, hi Harmony." I said smiling at her once she noticed me, something about this girl was simply amazing, she radiated this innocence and purity that just made me want to protect her.

Now the only question here was, why was my brother with her?

What was his deal?

"You two know each other?" Braden asked as he looked at me and then at Harmony, and the fact that his gaze lingered on her longer didn't go unnoticed by me.

Don't tell me that she was his new victim.

Braden would always do this, get on girl's heads, sleep with them and then just throw them to the side like broken toys.

"Yeah, this is Harmony my new friend. We met earlier." I said as I placed my arm around her shoulders, at first, I felt her tense up but eventually she relaxed.

"Can you please just get in the car before I drag you both in?" Braden said as he stepped closer to us and Harmony took a step back.

She was literally afraid of my brother.

"Hi Dawn." Jake said with a cheeky smile as he peeked from the window leaning against the driver's seat.

"Hey Jake." I said in a monotone, sometimes with Braden and Jake, they really got on my nerves to be honest.

"We need to go." Braden told us and I took a step forward yet Harmony stayed behind.

"Come on girl, we'll can take you home." I told her with a warm smile, it was obvious that she had missed her bus.

And after the attack she had in the bathroom I don't think it was a good idea for her to walk to her house alone.

Harmony met my gaze before she looked at Braden and then back at me before eventually shaking her head.

"No, I rather walk home thank you." Harmony said as the wind started to pick up, without doubt it would be raining soon.

"I won't let you walk home alone." Braden said as he looked at Harmony, it was a mixture between anger and shock.

What was his deal?

Braden and I looked at each other.

What is up with you? Just let her be, you are scaring her off.

Dawn, it's her. She is the girl; she is my soul mate.

No wonder she was so afraid and she had a panic attack, Braden had screwed up so badly.

Alright, fine. You owe me big time.

"Look my brother is right, you said it yourself, this is your first day here so you probably don't know the town very well, right?" I told Harmony as I placed my arm around her shoulders once again, I would try to convince her.

Harmony was quiet for a while before she shook her head.

"No, I don't." Harmony admitted in a low voice as her cheeks slightly getting pink.

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