a missing man

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Dawn's P.O.V

"Why not?" I asked as I looked at my dad and gave a sigh, this argument

"It's not safe." My dad said and I rolled my eyes at him, really this was his case?

"That argument may have worked two years ago, but not this time, I have learned how to drive perfectly, mom even lets me drive her car so why can I have my own car?" I asked him as I lean against the sofa from his studio.

My dad shook his head and I groaned in protest, he stood up with a small chuckle.

"Come on kiddo we need to get breakfast and you need to go to school." My dad said as he stood next to me and grabbed my hands helping me up.

"No, I don't want to ride with Braden and Jake, the triplets are coming with so I will be drowned with the testosterone." I whined as I made my body limp, giving more weight for my dad to not be able to get to me.

"Then why don't you go with your mom?" My dad asked me as he tried to pull me up with no avail.

"Too late, mum already left. She had a meeting with the board." I told my dad with a smile, I knew for a fact that sooner or later he was going to cave in.

My dad gave me a blank look before he gave a sigh.

"I guess you're tagging along with me princess." My dad said as he pulled me up like a rag doll and laced my arms on his shoulders so I would be dragging behind.

He took me out of his studio and to the living room where the rest of the guys were getting ready, I was dragging my feet on purpose to my dad's annoyance.

"For once you are ready early Dawn." Braden said as he looked at me shocked.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Shock, isn't it?" I said sarcastically as I glared at him and Hunter chuckled amused.

"So how are we going to arrange the seats, someone must sit on another person's lap." Damien pointed out and they started to argue as for who would sit on who's lap.

"Don't worry, I'm going out to breakfast with dad." I told the guys as I grabbed my bag and waved goodbye before I followed my dad out to his car.

As my dad pulled out of the driveway he slightly looked at me.

"This doesn't mean anything Dawn." My dad said as he gave me a stern look and I have him a sly smirk.

I looked at him and laughed.

"Of course, I know that daddy." I said as I gave him a sweet smile.

After all my mum, had taught me well, I knew how I could work my charms into getting what I wanted occasionally.

Harmony's P.O.V

I tapped my fingers along the window as I listen to 'Somebody to Love' from Queen, the rain was softly falling against the window. I hummed slowly to myself staring outside before I felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

I looked up and saw a cute guy with brown hair, blue eyes and black rimmed glasses.

"Hi." I said as I smiled at him, but I was slightly confused of why he was here with me.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked me softly, there was an edge to his voice, his gaze nervously dancing across the bus before the settled on me momentarily.

I shook my head and took away my bag so he could sit.

"No, go ahead." I said making space for him, why was he so nervous about?

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