double trouble

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Harmony & Lucas 

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Dawn's P.O.V

To say that I was pissed was an understatement, for I had spent most the detention stabbing my notebook with my pen repetitively picturing that the plain paper was nothing else but Mia's fake face, well not only was her face fake but all of her in general. Once we were dismissed after those long two torturous hours, from that miserable time the teacher gave us as punishment I grabbed my things without a word and left, already in a sour mood that I had missed my dance class knowing that I would have less time to prepare for my solo routine. I just wanted to grab my things and leave as soon as possible, to be done with this day but it seemed like fate had other things planned for me today as for I ran into him once again as I made my way to the exit.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him with a glare as I stopped cold on my tracks.

Truth to be told as he was here close to me I could feel how my body slowly started to shake, my heartbeat increased and I was self-conscious of my every single move yet also seeing him here was a bit unsettling.

Was this guy serious? Had he been waiting for me all this time or had he been following me?

He looked at me confused, probably taken back by my sudden hostility, well even I was shocked by that for I had never been so rude to someone eve r in my life before.

Well aside from me of course but bitch had it coming.

"Um, well I was held up because of my transfer, they wanted to make sure I didn't stay behind." He explained to me in a monotone as he narrowed his eyes at me probably trying to guess what my deal was.

Hell, even I did no longer know that.

I slightly staggered back as I realized something, I had just come off strongly like a complete and total bitch.

"Oh sorry, I just thought that you..." I trailed off unsure of what to say next.

"That I was waiting for you? Just waiting for you to come out so I could corner you and demand an answer. Don't flatter yourself because I don't act like some creepy stalker Dawn." He said and I could tell he was getting angry, angry that I had made such a quick assumption and one for the worse.

"No, I didn't mean that." I said slightly stumbling with my own words like a damn fool, what was happening with me?

"Well just to make it clear Dawn, no, I didn't wait for you as it looks like, although I should've given the fact that after bumping into you, you didn't waste no time in leaving me on the ground like a complete idiot, now if you ask me that just made my day. That was how I planned on meeting my mate, it went down perfectly." He said, his voice getting loud and I looked at him alarmed.

"Can you keep it down? Everyone will hear you!" I told him as I looked around, we seemed to be alone yet I could never truly know, the walls here had ears and eyes everywhere.

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