battle wounds

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Harmony's P.O.V

"I, I should probably head off to class." I said with a shaky voice before I quickly dried away my tears and ran to my classroom; even though I hadn't done anything wrong I felt so guilty as if I had committed the worst crime ever given the look on Braden's face.

And even after that he didn't make it any easy since Braden ignored me for the fact of the rest of the day to the point that without knowing I ended up avoiding him, even in Literature, where not only did we sat together but worked as partners Braden pretended that I wasn't there. It was a good thing that Lucas sat next to me who made sure I didn't just sit there in complete awkward silence.

After school I was more than relief to leave just so I could escape but Dawn went after me keeping me from going on the bus.

"Hey what's going to between my brother and you?" Dawn asked as she walked next to me.

"What do you mean, nothing is going on." I told her trying to keep a blank expression.

"Really because I noticed today that whenever you're around Braden seems to be making this face." Dawn told me as she looked at me.

"A face, what kind of face?" I asked confused.

"You know, he's been making that face as if someone shoved a stick up his ass. Wait, did he finally ask you to be his girlfriend and you turned him down? Is that it? Is that why he's in such a foul mood?" Dawn asked me.

I shook my head, was she even listening to herself?

"Why would your brother ask me out Dawn? We are not like that." I told her and to this Dawn chuckled.

"Is that so, because I do recall that my brother and you have been spending every day of the past weeks keeping each other busy." Dawn said in a tone that made me blush like crazy, I felt as if my entire face was on fire.

"No, Dawn, your brother didn't ask me out." I told her.

"Then what happened? What did you do? Or better yet, what did he do?" Dawn asked me and I shrugged in response.

"I honestly don't know, I guess he was bothered by finding Wade and I hugging." I said casually trying to make it seem like it was no big deal.

"Wade? Why were you two hugging" Dawn asked me.

I gave a sigh.

"I was late for class, I was emotional so Wade hugged me worried trying to make me feel better. Your brother saw us and I guess he misread everything." I told her.

Dawn seemed to be lost in deep thought before she nodded and spoke.

"Okay, you and I, we are desperate for a night for ourselves, to just get away from all that drama. So, what do you say Harmony, want to come to my house, for us to a sleepover?" Dawn asked me as she met my gaze.

"A sleepover?" I said looking at her shocked.

Dawn nodded as she smiled before she gave a small shrug.

"I know it's a bit childish." Dawn said trailing off for a bit and I shook my head.

"Not at all, it's just that I had never been invited to a sleepover before." I admitted and Dawn smiled.

"Then it's official, you're coming with me." Dawn said as she grabbed my hand leading us to the truck where Braden was waiting for her.

"Harmony is coming with us." Dawn told him and I squirmed under Braden's hard gaze.

My Little Mate (The Silver Line Wolf Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now