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"Harmony, can we please talk?" Wade said standing in front of the door as I tried to leave my class.

"Wade, I don't have time for this." I said shaking my head as I took a step to the side but Wade blocked me.

"It's not like you're going to be late, we both have lunch next." Wade said as he stood his ground not letting me through.

"I have to meet up with someone so get out of my way." I said with a groan as I took a step towards the opposite way yet Wade stopped me again.

"You're going to join one of the Coltrane twins, aren't you or is it that other guy, Lucas?" Wade said meeting my gaze.

"So, what if I am, it's clearly none of your business." I told him as I crossed my arm in front of my chest glaring at him.

"It is actually because I care about you Harmony, which is why you should stay away from them. You don't know this Harmony but they won't bring anything good to your life, they will be bad for you so it's better if you just stay away from them." Wade told me as he got closer to me, I placed my hand on his chest softly pushing him away from me.

"And tell me why Wade, would it had to do with your bizarre call from last night on how you warned me to stay away from Braden, Dawn, Lucas and Jake? Or is it the fact that only by a few exceptions most of this school and town's population is mainly werewolves?" I asked him carefully seeing his reaction.

Wade stared at me blankly before he spoke.

"You know, they told you about it?" Wade said slowly as if in deep thought.

"I do Wade and I do wonder this, are you a werewolf as well, please do tell the truth." I said confronting him once I realized we were the only ones in the hallway now.

Wade stared at me silently before he gave a sight.

"I am, but I am what must would call an omega." Wade said carefully choosing his words.

I shook my head in response.

"I may have not known about the supernatural world Wade but I am not completely stupid either, ever since Braden told me everything Mrs. Coltrane has been teaching me everything about the werewolf community and I know for a fact that omega is just another term for a rogue, a werewolf that has been banished from a pack for doing something unforgivable." I told him as I narrowed my gaze, I was not going to fall for his lie.

"I may have underestimated you a little, Harmony but that doesn't change anything; you should stay away from them, they are nothing but trouble." Wade said in a warning tone and I nearly rolled my eyes at this.

I gave a scoff.

"I'll be the judge of that but until then just stay away from me." I said brushing past him and heading towards the cafeteria.

"Hey what took you so long, lunch is halfway over." Dawn said as I got to our lunch table.

"I was held back." I said as I sat down with a tired sight next to Braden who immediately placed his arm around me pulling me closer.

"Are you okay?" Braden asked me as he offered me some of his food.

I nodded slowly before I started to eat some of his fries.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit peachy." I said with a shrug.

"Is it me or is Wade glaring at you?" Dawn said before she took a huge bite out of her hamburger.

I looked up and saw that Wade was on the other side of the cafeteria with a hard look on his face as he glared at us but especially Braden and me.

"What is his problem?" Braden said as he tensed up next to me.

My Little Mate (The Silver Line Wolf Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now