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 Nandhini & Maddy sitting on one seat

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 Nandhini & Maddy sitting on one seat. Manik get angry on seeing that. He control his anger. 

Nandhini keep her head towards Maddy shoulder & started sleeping. On seeing that scene Manik control his anger & move towards the last seat . 

He started sleeping on the last seat.

After some times , Manik was uncomfortable on that seat. He continuously rolled from right to left & right & left to right . 

Unfortunately , while turning a side he from the seat . All of his frnds where started laughing continuously .

Manik get hell irritated & give deadly glare to everyone & he also see Nandhini's expression. Everyone stop laughing. 

But Cabir is in teasing mood & he laughed continuously.

Manik : Cabir..... stop laughing just shut up.

Cabir : Manik its not ur bedroom.

Manik : what ?

Cabir : kuch nahi & he was not able to control his laugh .


The bus is stopped near to the hotel . All of her frnds where washing there face. They are decided to take their breakfast from the hotel.They are ordered the breakfast.

Maddy : ok fine, u want to drink the juice. 

Nandhini : ok . she drink the juice & move near to the bus.

Mukthi : what happened ? to Nandhini. 

Abhimanyu : i don't no dear .

Mukthi : u go & talk to her . 

Abhimanyu : ok dear . As ur wish .

Abhimanyu enter in to the bus & go near to her .

Abhimanyu : what happen ? didi .

 Nandhini : mom , dad ka memory coming infront of my eyes .

Abhimanyu : relax " i am with u " & he hugged her.

 Nandhini : leave me alone .

Abhimanyu : ok fine , didi .

After few minutes , Manik enter in to the bus & go near to Nandhini.

Nandhini : what do u want ? 

Manik : kuch nahi .

Nandhini : Manik just leave me alone.

 Manik : No. I don't leave u.

Nandhini : what is ur problem?

 Manik : u want to eat the breakfast.

Nandhini : nahi . " I don't eat". 

Manik : pakka. 

Nandhini : pakka..

Manik : Ok fine. I give the breakfast in my style. 

Nandhini : what ? ur style

Manik : yes . He holds her hand & feed the breakfast to her .

 Nandhini : Manik don't...

Manik : open her mouth & feed to her mouth.

 Nandhini : finally ate the breakfast.

Manik leave from the bus . His frnds are completed the breakfast. They are move towards the bus. Finally the bus reached Manik Malhotra farm house in Kodaikanal. 

They are enter in to their room . Her frnds are started taking shawer due to long journey & They feel very tired.

Manik continuously starring about Nandhini. 

But Nandhini thinks about something.

Manik p.o.v Why Nandhini is looking so stressed can i ask it . 

No Manik u r "THE MANIK MALHOTRA". But something is weird.They reached the picnic spot.


Everyone were enjoying but Nandhini is so stress.

 Manik noticed that when he came near to ask.

Alya ( shouted) : Guys it's so boring . we can play some other game.

Cabir : Fine come on guys , but what ? the game is ...

Mukthi : Truth & Dare .

Dhruv : wow i am so excited. Manik , Nandhini , Abhimanyu , Navya & Maddy join with us

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