Chapter : 41 B

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Guys please do comments, if you like the story, the response is hell disappointing, this is the last warning or else say bye bye to me forever. I got tired of giving warnings, you will never understand writer feeling.....

Life With My Angel

Chapter - 41 B

Aditya  patted her cheek.... then he look at boys... he slowly place her on the floor while resting her back on the car.... he came to the boys and started beating him... the boys ran from that place and he look at Nandu and take her in his arms and placed her in the car....

He take the water bottle from the car and sprinkles the water from her  face.... Nandini open her eyes and look at him.....

Nandini - Aditya...

Aditya - Nandini...  Are you ok?

Nandini - haan I am fine...

She said to him in her normal tone...

Aditya - Nandini kya hua?  And who are they?

Nandini - Kuch nehi yaar....  I don't know who are they? When I came here they started following... 

Aditya - night time what are you here?

Nandini - I don't know where to go?  Yaar so I am roaming here...

She said looking him having sad on her face....

Aditya - you forget about us hey na Nandini.... 

Nandini - no yaar not like that...  I think that I don't want to give tension to you...

Aditya - you are thinking that you are giving tension to us... Nandini dont think that like yaar...  We are friends....  So plzz don't think that like yaar....  Come with me...  If zoya see you means she will become so happy....

Nandini just nodded her positively....

He started driving the car....

Aditya - waise Nandini tum Manik ko dekha...

Aditya asked to her while concentrating on the driving...  Nandini face become sad while hearing Manik name...

Nandini - Aditya plzz don't ask anything about him yaar...

She said to him while controlling her       sadness...

Aditya hear that and feel some sadness in her voice...  Aditya understand that something happen between them....

Aditya - Nandini hua kya bolo na...

He asked her having worriedness on his voice...

Nandini also want to share her pain to someone...

Suddenly she burst in to tears.... Aditya now confirm that something is happened... He stop the car in the side of the road...

Aditya - Nandini ro na mat...  Bolo kya hua...

Nandini nodded her head positively to him and narrate the whole story to him.. Nandini palms her face and crying... 

Aditya was shocked after hearing that.... 

Aditya - how can Manik do like this with you....

Nandini - plzz don't ask anything to me now....  I don't know what happen to him and why he did this with me...  He behave a like monster with me...

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