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  Suddenly Manik split the juice out from his mouth...Her frnds r saw Him...Immediately Manik left from that place....

Nandini also moved from that place.....

She move to her room & lye down on the bed & started sleeping....due to tiredness....

Manik also came to her room ..He was caressing her hair....

Nandu-Manik what r u doing here????

Manik-U r feeling soo tired na soo i am bring enery drink for u....

Nandu-Manik plzz leave me alone for few minutes...

Manik-Ok i will leave u alone ..1st u drink the enery drink....

Nandini get up from the bed & want the energy drink from his hand & drink the energy drink......& again lye down on the bed & started sleeping...Manik went out fron her room..
In Night..
Nandini get up from the bed ..Her frnds sitting in the sofa...Nandu reached the downstairs.....
Mukthi-Nandu r u feel better....
Nandu-Ya Mukthi ..I feel better...
Alya-Guys i am very hungry yaar...
Navya-Ya guys i am also soo hungry....But there is no food in the kitchen...
Nandu-Guys don't worry mein hoon na i will prepare food for u guys.....
Mukthi-Nandu really u know to prepare food....
Nandu-Ya Mukthi....
Maddy-Mukthi u don't no about her talent..Today u guys r going to see her talent....
Nandu u go & prepare the food for us....
Nandu-Okk Maddy..Navya u also come with me..i need ur help...
Navya-What help???
Nandu-Navya u want to cut the vegetables....
Navya-Okk Nandu...
Alya-Baby doll we also help u...
Nandu-Ok guys as ur wish...
All of them enter in to the kitchen ....Nandu gave vegatables to her frnds...They want the vegetables & sitting in the chair & started cutting the vegetables....Her frnds completed their work & sitting in the hall.....
Nandu arranging all the things for the food....She started preparing the food....The smell of the food going to the hall....All of them r inhaling the food smell...While inhaling the food smell,their hungry is increasing more & more.....
Alya-Guys i can't able to sit here yaar...
Mukthi-I am also Alya....
They moved to the dining table & sitting in the chair....She prepared the food very well...She arranged the fod in he dining table...Nandu serve the food to her frnds....DHruv ate the food...
Dhruv-Nandu how did u prepare the food???
Nandu-Kya hua??? dhruv the food is not taste!!!!
Dhruv-Nandu the food is really soo taste & yummy...I loved it Nandu...
Nandu-Thank u yaar...
Maddy-Guys she was studied in the finishing school yaar & she is the best & toppest student in that school...
Alya-Baby doll really u studied in that school......
Nandu-Ya Alya i studied in that school only...They teached everything to me..After completed conversation,all of them r eating the food & asking again & again the food....
Cabir-Nandu enough enough i am not hungry now....
Nandu was seeing Manik ...All of them r congratulating Nandu but Manik was not say anything to her about the food.....All of them get up from the dining table except MaNan....
Manik was sitting silently & eating the food....
Alya-Baby doll u eat the food na u go & wash ur hand...
Nandu-Okk Alya i will wash my hand after wards yaar...
Alya-Okk Yaar..Bye i am going to mera home...
Nandu-Okk Bye ..gud night....
Nandu can't able to move an inch from the chair becoz Manik was holding her leg by his leg....
Nandu-Manik leave me i want to wash my hand...
Manik-No i will not leave u...
He started rubbing her leg with his leg..Nandu was shocked about her behaviour & her face is started turning in to red...
Cabir-Kya hua??? Nandu r u ok ???
Nandu-Ya i am okk....
Cabir-Y ur face is turning in to red...
Nandu-Vo mein ...I eated the mirchi for that purpose ...only my face changing in to red...
Cabir-Ohhh!!!! really...Ok bye gud night take care...Navya r u coming with me...I will drop u in the house...
Navya-Ya Cabir....I am coming....Bye Nandu...
Nandu-Bye Navya...
Cabir & Navya left from that place....
Nandu-Manik leave my leg..I want to go...
Abhimanyu came their & saw Nandu..
Abhi-Di u r not going to sleep....
Nandu-Abhi u go & sleep i will sleep little later.....
Abhi laughinly -Okkk Okkk enjoy didi...
Nandu-shut up Abhi...go to ur room & sleep....
Abhi-Gud Night di ...see u tomorrow.....
Nandu-Gud Night .....
Abhi also left from that place..Afterfew seconds later Mukthi reached the dining table....
Mukthi-Bhai u r not completed ur food...
Manik-Ya Mukthi I am very hungry...
Mukthi seeing Nandu ..She understood eveything...
Mukthi-Okkk Bhai u slowly eat ur food i am going to my room for sleep,gud night bahi...gud night Nandu...
Both of them said-Gud Night Mukthi ....
Mukthi also left from that place.......
All of them went to sleep except Manik & Nandu.....
Manik-Nandu kaana bahoot aacha hay...I want to kiss that hand for preparing soo tasty food....
Nandu started blushing...He take her hand & started kissing her finger,palm,wrist.....Nandu cheek is turned in to tomato red colour....Nandu was blushing like the hell...Manik giving soo much os kisses on her hand.....
He slowly move to her lips ..There is a very small distance btwn his & her lips...Nandu closed her eyes.....Manik was pecking her lips slowly....

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