Chapter-31 A

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  He was busy in decorating her room...After few hrs later..They r tired due to decorating the house....They r sitting in the sofa..Suudenly Manik remember about Nandini...Manik take his phone & see his phone..Nandu send 50 message & 40 missed call...He was shocked & say shit..On hearing that his frnds turn & see Manik...
Dhruv-Bhai kya hua????
Manik-today Bubbly is going to kill me...
Alya-But y Manik...
Manik-guys she send soo much of messages & missed call...
Cabir-guys today there is a volcano errupt in Malhotra Mansion yaar....
Navya-Manik u go we will manage this..If anything want we will message u...
Manik-Thank u guys...
Abhi-Manik want some red roses to her ...
Manik-Okkk Bro....
He ran away from that place ..His frnds r started laughing....
His frnds-How did he going to manage Nandu today...god only know everything...
Manik want some red roses foe his Bubbly from the flower shop..He reached Mansion...He enter in to the hall...
Manik-Nandu...Bubbly where r u???
A servant came their & Manik asked to the servant...
Manik-Nandu kahaan hay???
Servant-Mam is in the room sir....
Then he move to the upstairs...He was moved near to the room....He open the door silently & enter in to the room...He saw Nandu was standing near to the window.....He slowly move near to Nandu...
He keep his hand on her shoulder ...But she jerk his hand....
Manik-Bubbly i am soo sorry...
Nandu-I don't want to sorry Manik....
Manik-I am sorry Bubbly plzz accept my sorry....this red roses for u only Bubbly..
Nandu-If u give this red roses means u r thinking my angry is gone...I not want ur red roses....
Manik-Bubbly plzz i am soo sorry....
Nandu-I don't want ur sorry Manikplzz go away from this room....
Manik-when u accepting my sorry??? That time i will go away from this room....
Nandu-Okk fine ..If u r not going out of the room....means also no prblm i am going out of the room....
She was moving to the room door.....but he hold her hand.....
Nandu-Manik leave my hand...
Manik-I will not leave ur hand bubbly....
She jerk his hand & move to the room door...He again hold her hand & pinned her in the wall.....
With ot wasting a second he slammed her lips....Nandu was shocked....She was try to pull him...But his grip is more tight...Nandu started hitting his bare chest....He was kisseng her hardly.....After few second,she stop hitting his chest....& She also responded in equal favour...Nandu fist his hair tightly....He bit her lips & enter in her mouth..He was sucking all over her lips...
He was sucking her lip gloss...Both of them r lost in another world..Manik was that Nandu was breathless..He broke the kiss....Both of them r breathing heavily...Nandu still closing her eyes....
Manik move to her ear & huskily said now u accept my sorry....
Nandu closing her eyes & said-Ok Manik i will accept ur sorry...
Nandu open her eyes slowly & see Manik..
Manik-Thank u Bubbly for Accept my sorry.....
Nandu-Manik don't do like this again..I am sooo sacred about u....
Manik-Okkk Bubbly ..He hold his 2 ears & said sorry....
Nandu-It's ok Manik & Thank u for bringing the red roses for me..
Manik-actually this red roses r not for u...Bubbly
Nandu raises her eye brow & asked for whom u bring this???
Manik-For another one girl...Bubbly...
Nandu face is turned in sad..Her eyes is filled with tears......
Manik-Bubbly...Bubbly..i am just kidding u.....
Nandu-Manik tum be na such an idiot....
She started hitting him with the pillow ..She started chasing him with a jerk he falls on her..Nandu fall on bed..

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