Chapter 92.

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"Hey, do you want to go watch a film or something? I'm bored over here." Sophia shouts at us downstairs.

"Yeah, sure!" I smile joining her in the hall and Albert groans rolling her eyes at her.
"I'll make some snacks for us," I smile entering in the kitchen.

"We'll help you!" Sophia smiles tossing a pink apron at Albert.

"Actually, I have a phone call to make," Albert says staring at his phone screen.

"Okay," I nod when he looks up at me.

"What's the matter?" Sophia gives me a gentle hustle on my elbow.

"Nothing.. I just would like to know the person who is constantly calling Albert lately.." I level off the flour in the measuring cup and add it to the large mixing bowl.

"So why don't you ask him about it?"

"I did, he said it was nothing important for me to worry about.."

"And you didn't buy it," Sophia dips her finger into the bowl and collects the sticky dough.

"I do trust him, I really do, but with this whole thing about me moving to New York, I'm just afraid he might start talking with Alice again.."

"So you think Alice has any chance with Albert?"

"I don't know.. He said he only used her and he dropped her when he met me but I know she likes him.."

"So? He loves you, not her. Emily, Albert has a lot, a lot of fails, but he would never cheat on you. Now, there's a thing you need to understand here. You're in a relationship with Albert, so if you want to know something and he insists in hiding it from you, you have to find it out. After everything he has done that messed with your relationship, I think he's asking a little too much in keep something away from you. The name "girlfriend" is not only a label, Em. It has to earn the name."

"I know but there's nothing I can do about it,"

"Nothing? Really? Nothing? Four months with me and you haven't learnt anything?" She raises a brow and I smirk.

"What do you mean?"

"Go see through his phone calls!"

"No! Absolutely not! That's very disrespectful and I trust him!

"So disrespectful that Albert sneaked through your phone and deleted Andrew texts while you were sleeping. Besides, it's only a quick glance."

"I-I really don't feel comfortable at all going through his phone calls, Sophia," I was the one defending the privacy matter when he sneaked through my texts on our way to Liverpool.

"Phone calls, text messages.. There's so many possibilities you can go for.." Sophia says licking another glob of dough off her finger.

"I don't know.."

"You don't know what?" Albert appears in the kitchen and I instantly turn around to the bowl of ingredients and finish mixing the cookie dough.

"She doesn't know which film we're going to watch," Sophia explains and I give her a small smile telepathically thanking her for saving me.

"You know, that's not very sanitary," Albert cringes watching Sophia licking a glob of dough from her finger.

She raises her middle finger at him and he rolls his eyes making me giggle.

"Albert, do you know how you're statistically most likely to die, at your age?" Sophia asks.

"My age? You're the one that was fourteen all year." Albert mocks.

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