Chapter 19|| Probably

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If the word 'probably' has a possibility in everything, then I would say that love is probably playing with people before they fall in love.

Place: Union Academy Gymnasium

Time: 2:00 pm

Gail POV

I composed myself from my display of 'fangirling' and shifted my position on my seat. Kaye and Tsukishima sat beside me but to have safety purposes, they moved away from me a bit.

"That was a weird side of you Gail. I never knew that you will show to us that side of yours." Tsukishima teased me.

That guy is very intimidating as always. I rolled my eyes as my eyebrow twitched in annoyance. I plastered a fake smile on my lips.

"Why thank you. I never expected you to comment something so snarky about that side of mine. I too wonder if you have a hidden side." I commented to Tsukishima.

"Ah- You're not going to probably see a side of mine like yours. I mean you are female and I'm a male. I can't possibly think like a female that's short." Tsukishima snorted at me. "I don't also plan to be a transgender."

"At least I'm not tall as a giraffe."

We were talking face to face with a fake smile and an irritating smirk thrown to each other.

"Could you please stop shoving each other's throats with ridiculous comments? I feel like I'm a bridge here." Kaye suddenly interrupts our little 'chat'. Her face had this frown plastered on it.

I couldn't blame her though. She was between Tsukishima and I. And Tsukishima and I are having a little conversation filled with remarks. She couldn't avoid hearing us and get annoyed.

"You too bean pole, shut your tramp." Kaye says to Tsukishima. Tsukishima just raised a brow at her and smirked.

"So the 'Knight Princess' finally talked back. You've been lately ignoring me. I actually do feel hurt when your not there." Tsukishima made an intimidating and teasing look to Kaye. "I actually think that you're starting to hate me. Which I'm totally fine about it."

"I don't know what your talking about." Kaye gave Tsukishima a bored look with a blank expression. "But I do not hate you. I'm just not talking to you because its not important, especially when I'm busy. Also Please don't call me 'Knight Princess', it's a horrible nickname given by a commoner."

"How rude. I was the one that gave your nickname. Don't you remember?" Tsukishima rolls his eyes.

"I do not. I've always receive that nickname it a tall jerk ass as far as I remember."

"You do. I'm also not a jerk ass. On the tall part I won't disagree with you."

"I don't. I also didn't mention any name. How did you even know it was you."

"You do. So it is really me."

"I don't. It's not you."

"You do and it was me."

"I don't."

"You do."

I was dizzy because of their conversation. They do fight... I never knew. After a few seconds, which seemed an eternity to me, both of them shut their mouths. Kaye cleared her throat.

"Now, lets go back to the topic." She shifts ger position at her seat. "Gail, I'm not sure how to describe Seijuro. I do have a different view about him. I do not know what do you mean by 'He's perfect'."


"Seijuro may be a heir to his family's industries, he is intelligent, a team captain and lastly a cool looking attractive face and aura surrounds him. Which might be the reason why he is perfect but I'm not close to him."

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