Chapter 11.25|| Party Time 1/8

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Is it really the time to party?

Place: Knight family's first estate.

Time: July 29, X7019, Friday, 6:00 pm

Kaye POV

When I arrived at my house, with Kyoya of course. I blinked multiple of times as I observed what happened in the mansion's interior.

All I can say it was decorated with... -_-.... Many things. Decorations like flowers, ribbons and other things.

"What is happening?" Kyoya asks with a quizzical look and he pushes his glasses back.

"I don't know." I replied with a flat tone.

Then my mother arrived. She was dressed in a European dress. Like the ones for balls and such. It was just a white dress with long sleeves, a long skirt decorated with sequins and diamonds. Her hair was tied into a tight bun and she wore light make up.

"Kaye, Kyoya.. Welcome home." Mom smiles as she comes near us. I kissed her cheeks. Tradition for respect in the western countries.

"Hello mom..." I answered her.

"Good evening Auntie." Kyoya says politely.

I glanced around the mansion. Maids and butlers everywhere fixing and cleaning.

"What is happening?" I asked my mom. Kyoya seems to be intrigue too.

"Ahh... Well dear, since you won at your Shokugeki a while ago. You're father and I made a celebratory party just for you! It was already obvious who'll win though." My mom answers me with this cheerful smile on her face. "I'm so proud of you! After almost 5 years! Now you're accepting challenges again! However it took a while to lose the media just to watch you."

Mom hugs me and I hugged her back. After a few seconds she let me go from her grasp.

Party? Is this a set up? I looked over my shoulder, I frowned at Sebastian who was chuckling with the others.

Then I faced my mom. "Party? Really?"

I'm not fond of parties. I'm not a lady who's fond of partying... I usually just retire after a hour the party started just to finish my work and do other things like reading or watching anime.

Well there are also occasions that I stay up late for celebrations just for my family.

"Yes! A party! We just started this afternoon so we are quite late." Mom says.

I look at her hysterically, Kyoya just chuckled. I glared at him but he shrugged it off.

"Of course you aren't allowed to miss the party because you're the star of it. Plus, all of your friends with their families were invited and the judges too. It's too bad that you're grandfather will not be showing his face because of the other guests." Mom dramatically wipes off a fake tear.

I sweat dropped at mom, she only acts like this sometimes. Kyoya was still chuckling. I'm sure that he's going to be choke soon.

Then I remembered something. I smirked.

"So that means Gail also comes too?" I asked mom, who was ordering a maid around.

"Her? Of course she's invited! She's one of your friends. So it's natural to invite her." Mom answers me and turns back to a maid and orders her around.

I glanced at Kyoya, his glasses were flashing white. He also seemed to be stiff. Then reality struck me as he said his following words next.

"Then there will be any of Kaye's suitors attending too?" Kyoya asks my mom with a smug smile on his face.

ASDFHJK! I glared at Kyoya darkly. I hate my suitors! They're disgusting jerks!

(Heh.. Like I have one.. I don't have one and I'm lucky...😊)

"No, there will be none. Kaye's father loathes them. They're not suited for her." Mom answers Kyoya's question.

Thank You Mom! I love you so much! It's a good thing I'm your daughter after all! Okay, why am I being so expressive?

"However, one of her childhood friends will come and dance with her as a replacement for them." Mom continues leaving me devastated.

Mom! Why did you do this to me? I don't want to dance!

Sebastian and the others team up with Kyoya who were chuckling at me. I was ticked off. I hate it.

"If I remember, your father invited Shunsuke Otosaka to dance with you. If I recall he is one of your partners before. Since the two of you get along together it was a great choice! Now excuse me, I still need to check on our chefs. Sebastian, tell the others to help out too." Mom said before she leaves. "Also Kyoya pick your clothes for later at the Designing room. Nina Hartley- The Knight Family's employed tailor, who also has her own shop, will be there to fix you up with Kaye. So I'll see you kids later~."

I was left by mom dumbfounded but I didn't show it. I never show too much emotions.

After a second, I composed myself. Kyoya was still smirking smugly as Sebastian orders everyone around.

"Kaye, if you're just going to stand there its useless. Your designer has already been waiting." Kyoya chuckles at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and huffed.

I looked at Sebastian. "Sebastian prepare my bath and make sure you continue your work later."

He smiles at me. "Of course my lady. Excuse me then." Then he left without saying anymore.

I look back at Kyoya. He was waiting for me while leaning on the wall.

I sighed.

"Tsk. Let's go..."

He looks at me and his lips turned to a thin smirk. "Alright..."

I hate my life today... The worst... Why is also Shun going to come? I thought he was busy. I frowned. I don't want to open the Pandora's box. So I'll leave it close for now.

This is going to be stressful.

Kyoya POV

I smirked mischievously as I walked with Kaye as we go to the designing room. I took a glance at her.

She seems to be in a deep thought. It's better to leave her like that for now.

I'll make sure I'll blackmail her with this later in front of Liz.

"Hmmm." I hummed as I fix my glasses.

This might be interesting. Besides I need to keep my mind distracted from HER anyway.

I mentally laughed at Kaye as she looked really bothered.

This might be a good entertainment for now. I'm not going to complain because its fun to see Kaye annoyed by something.

Then I remembered Gail. Smiling at me. I snapped back into reality and shake my head. What's wrong with my thoughts?

I hate this so much...


1108 words... So short.. Bye... Sorry for typos. Do anything u like!

Lots of food,


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