April Fool's Special

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The day of the pranksters, April 1st. You must be joking me, how do you celebrate the day of pranks specially dedicated to Loki (1)???!!!

Place: Union Academy, Union Classroom
Time: Recess Time, April 1, Friday

3rd P.O.V

"Happy April Fools!" Greeted by a bunch of students on one another whom just pranked each other with love remarks. What's this?! Making a joke on their feelings? Ugh, it seems this is a Valentines day with April Fool's? Is this how teens in this generations think about, love this and love that? Ew... gross.

Kyoya just sat there on his seat signing paperwork. Yes, he does work almost everyday. The mood in the classroom didn't even bother him to stop. People swear dropped, he never bothers to be interested anyways,  that's the typical stoic Kyoya. People even wonder if he celebrates holidays normally. Kyoya was too distant in the classroom, never bothering to look at the things he isn't interested at.

Anyways, the celebration continues and pranks started on one another. Surprisingly Liz joined in by pranking her bestfriends by giving them exploding cupcakes. Ah yes, you shouldn't forget the classical pranks like the water dumping on top of your head and one Union Officer got scared off by small insects right in front of her. They totally forgotten Kyoya, who too ignored them.

Gail on the other hand, she was having a fun time with the others pranking each other. She did some random prank to Christian and he actually believed it. Gail was laughing at him for his innocence. From the corner of her eye she noticed Kyoya leaving the classroom.

Suddenly an idea popped into her mind.

"I'm going out." Gail says as she stands up and dust her uniform.

Christian raises a brow. "Where?"

Gail gives Christian a look. "Somewhere."

Christian rolls his eyes as Gail leaves the room.


"Kyoya!" Gail calls out to Kyoya in the empty halls. Kyoya who was walking, halted his Imovements and gazed at the person who called him.

He pushes his glasses onto the bridge of his nose. "Gail?"

Gail went up to Kyoya who looked at her in confusion.

"What do you need from me?" Kyoya questions her. He wasn't in a rush, but he wanted to go to his office just to finish more piles of paperwork.

Gail grinned at him, Kyoya was still confused. "I need you Kyoya." She replies.


"Ha?" Kyoya was flabbergasted. He never expected an answer like that from Gail. He was confused, what happened to her? Did she got drunk? No, impossible. If she was drunk she won't be talking straight with a smirk. A fever perhaps?

"Do you have a fever?"

Kyoya touches her forehead with his hand to check her temperature. She didn't have a fever, her temperature was normal.

Gail who observed Kyoya found that his reaction was cute. Kyoya retreats his hand back.

"You don't have any feve-" Kyoya was caught of gaurd by Gail. Who cut him off by hugging him, whiched cause the papers in his hands fall. Gail's head was buried onto his chest and her arms wrapped around his torso.

"G-gail?!" Kyoya stutters Gail's name. His face was astonished and he was blushing up to the tip of his ears! His glasses slightly tilted, his eyes widening in shock and his hair slightly tousled.

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