I learn, I'm Friends With Part Gods Ch.4

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Hello guys! Guess what? I'm going to be updating this randomly since I'm stopping my other story for a while. Not discontinued. But pausing for a bit to get this one up and running! Anyways, this going to be in Hermione's point of view first. The in the next chapter it would be different, and you know. But anyways, I hope you enjoy this and, well, read on?

Hermione POV

Redoing 7th year. This should be really fun. But now that have these demigods, might as well be more interesting.

I run through the wall with Ron, Harry, and the demigods. Annabeth's rather cool. I think we'll be great friends.

"Come on guys! It's time to catch the train!" I yell to them. Percy seemed to be relieved of this. This train ride would be interesting considering I would be sitting demigods...

"Soo... This is the train. It's beautiful!" Annabeth exclaimed as she look around at it. "Annabeth we have to go. You can admire it when we come back." Piper told her. "Fine." But as Annabeth got on, she was still taking notes.

I liked her. Honestly. She was rather interested in a lot of things like architecture. I liked someone like that.

"Come on guys, let's go find a compartment to sit in." Hazel calls as she walks up ahead of us. Annabeth who was the last on speed up and quickly caught up to us.

"So, what's this place called?" Percy asked. He was cute. "Hmm? Oh yea, Hogwarts." I answered. "Hogwarts?" He asked. I nodded my head.

Then Percy turned to Annabeth and asked her "hey Annabeth?" "Yes seaweed brain?" Her heaped was stuck in a book that was, Greek? "Do, you want to sword fight when we get Hogwarts?" "Sure. If we have time that is."

I glanced over Harry who was looking out the window. "Anything wrong?" I asked him in concern. "N-no. Just... Thinking." He answered. I nodded my head knowing I shouldn't be nosy.

"Well, it's rather amazing." Ron said. He seemed to be blushing as he looked at Annabeth. Annabeth rolled her eyes and went back to reading.

"So, do you guys know the 4 Houses?" I asked. Percy looked up and asked me, "4 houses? No." "Well, there's Gryffindor, where the brave go. The three of us, are all sorted into Gryffindor. Then Ravenclaw, where the smart go. Hufflepuff, where the kind and loyal go. Then last but not least, Slytherin. Where the cunning go." I'd said it in such distaste, I think everyone might be hoping not to get into that house.

"Ok... I see. Well, Hermione,what year will we be in?" Percy asked me. "If I'm correct-" "she normally is." Ron cuts in. "Shut up Ron! If I a, correct then, you all should be in 7th year." "Thanks Hermione." "No problem." I answered.

"So, if you're all demigods,who are your parents? Your godly ones?" I asked them. "Well, Percy's is Poseidon, mine is Athena, Leo's is Hephaestus, Nico has Hades, Hazel has Pluto, Jason has Jupiter, and Piper has Aphrodite." Annabeth answered.

No wonder Annabeth was so in to reading and architecture. Her mother was Athena! That makes soo much more sense.

"So, I think I should guess the houses we're all going to be in. Well I'm going to guess it." Percy announced.

"So, let's see. Annabeth Ravenclaw. Hazel, Hufflepuff. Me, Gryffindor. Jason, Gryffindor. Leo, Gryffindor. And Piper? I'm guessing Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff. Then Nico. I'm really not sure." Percy said.

"So, you just guessed all our houses, but Nico's. Interesting Percy. Very interesting." Annabeth said.

I glanced out the window and just within sight, was the Hogwarts castle. "Ohhh!!" I squealed. Everyone looked at me. "We're almost at Hogwarts! This is going to be awesome! I can't wait for you all to see it! The castle, is, AWESOME!!!" I squealed.

Annabeth smiled and looked out the windows. Then turned to Percy and said. "Wait. Perce. We can't read things because of dyslexic. Right. We have to get everything turned into Greek for that. So, we'll have to worry about that." Annabeth said.

"Are you two dating?" Ron asked out the blue. "Umm... Yes." Percy answered staring at him oddly. Ron looked a little upset to this fact.

Percy whispered something into Annabeth's ear, and Annabeth blushed fiercely.

Then Annabeth turned back to looking out the window. "Wow! Hogwarts. Is. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!" Annabeth shrieked. "The Architecture here! It's amazing. Some of this I'll have to take notes on! Maybe I could sort of make Olympus look like this! Maybe..." Annabeth would rambled on about the architecture here but Percy put his hand over her mouth.

"Annabeth. Nobody really wants to hear all the architecture stuff. Save it for later." Percy told her. Annabeth blushed yet again then nodded.

"Sorry guys it's just that... Well I'm in charge of remodeling Olympus from after the war. So anywhere I see good architecture.... I kind of well-" "Ramble on about it." Percy finished. "Percy I speak you know!" Annabeth snapped at him.

"Oh yea. I remember." Percy said mockingly, as Annabeth face flushed red. "Hey guys! We're here now!" Piper exclaimed jumping up and down in her seat.

I smiled and announced, "welcome to Hogwarts."
Hello everyone. It's so nice just sit down and write, sorry. I really love to write. I actually haven't done my homework yet, so yea! Now, with all of them dating, and Hermione liking Percy, and Ron liking Annabeth. I'm not going to get into too much detail about it because I don't see the point of doing that. So, well, let's see. Can we get 50 views?? Can we? Just wondering. So, yes. You guys all reading this means so much to me. I never thought i would get over, if not any, 1 view. Thank you all so so much on this achievement. It means like way too much. Thank, and bye to everyone! Love you my little Orcas'!

The~Great~Orca 🐬🐬 I love you all soo much. Thank you.

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