Prt. 2 What The Hades?? Ch. 26

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Sorry I forgot in the last chapter but shout out to kass_kass2003 for giving me the idea! Or did I say that in the last chapter??

Jason POV

I had heard the news the moment I had woken up, Reyna was gone. Or at least had gone missing. Everyone was confused.

Nobody had heard her going away, or seen her. The last we had heard of her was when she had been doing guard duty. But what no one had understood was how all the watching teachers had not noticed anything.

Because from what I'd heard, the most watchful and careful teachers had been watching over them. But everyone now knew, or at least most of everyone. Voldemort had struck.

It was time for us to fight back and get Reyna. I understood perfectly fine what they had wanted with kidnapping Reyna. This was a perfectly clear trap.

But, no matter what, Reyna is still family! And we're going to rescue her!

It was free time right now, but yet, nobody seemed relaxed. Everyone was looking tense and worried. And trying to figure out a plan to help Reyna.

All of the crew sat in the library quietly thinking of a plan to help Reyna.

"Hrrrrrrmmmm....." Annabeth grumbled throwing her 16th "failure" of a plan to get to where we wanted. Honestly, those "fails" of her's helped a ton. It helped guide us through stuff to do and not to do.

"Don't stress it Annabeth. Those "fails" of yours, help a lot! They show us what not to do and to do." I said encouraging her.

She sighed shaking head, "thanks Jason, but I'm the daughter of Athena! For gods sake! I should have a plan!"

"Not always Wise Girl! Friends are here for a reason!" Percy said grinning at her. She sighed, "well, thanks anyway guys. This was fun. Let's just... Just head back. I have to do Ancient Runes in a bit anyway...."she sighed about to get up then, "wait a minute. I've got it!" She whispered shouted.

"Shoot away." Leo exclaimed making a pretend gun with his fingers and shooting. Annabeth shook her head annoyed. "Well you see, Voldemort is especially skilled at occulemecy." (spellling??)

"So?" Leo asked not seeing point. "I've been practicing occulemecy as well," she continued. "And??" He asked.

"I use a disguise pretending to be a monster." She finished. "What does that have to do with occulemecy?" Leo asked.

Annabeth sighed, "do you remember what occulemecy does?" "Uhhhh.... No...." "Well, with occulemecy, Voldemort could easily see into my mind." "-like mind reading-" "Not at all Leo... But with that, he see my thoughts. And since I've been practicing occulemecy, Voldemort can't see into my mind that easily like through dreams."

"Ohhhh.... So this doesn't foul your plan on trying to get Reyna out!" Leo finished. "Yep! Now, all I need to do is get my clothing ready!"
Word count:457
Sorry it's short guys... But here you go! I just went to a dinner for VBS (Vacation Bible School) well, like 2 hours ago..... But, anyways, here you go! I hope you all are having a good summer! Ily!

QOTD: what was your first fandom
AA: Roblox I believe....


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