Is It the End Yet? ✨Ch.30✨

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Nobody POV

Challenge accepted. Challenge accepted. Was what he had said. Percy stepped forward, "Nico, Jason," he called. "Wanna help me take him down?" "You bet!" Jason agreed. "Sure.." Was Nico's answer.

"Percy?" Frank questioned him. "Shouldn't we all fight him?" "No. More of Tartarus is still coming. I want all you to fight them. Nico, me, and Jason will take of Mr. Snakey here. You guys fight the rest of Tartarus.

"I'll see you all at the end of this fight. That's a promise." Percy stated. He locked eyes Annabeth, "I love you. I'll see you at the end of this." He whispered, then they shared a quick kiss and fist bumped each other.

"See you at the end Seaweed Brain." "You too Wise Girl." Then, they turned to their opposite sides to tell their teams what the plan was.

This was it. This really was going to be it... The final battle... Or was it really?

Not everyone? Hmmmm? Do you really think you could beat me with only 3 people? Wow. You must really be overessstimating your own sstrength!

"No. We're not. It's really you who's overestimating their own strength. We're going to beat you, no matter what it takes." Percy said glaring at the serpent.

Let'ssss jusst ssee.

Percy charged at the aiming at it. He knew he could miss, and the snake would probably dodge and head towards Nico or Jason. Then they would hit the snake. They had to try and not get bitten by the snake as it's bites are so venomous within seconds you could die. And, he had promised Annabeth he would come out alive... He had to.

The snake as Percy predicted, charged to Nico. Then Nico took that chance to strike it, and hit it right in the right eye. Half blinding it.

"Nicely done Nico!" Percy shouted at his comrade.

The serpent hissed and twisted itself, the pain unbearable. You.... You may.... Have half.... Blinded me now.... But.... But you'll ssee.... I'll come out...... On top.....

They ignored the snake. "Are you ready to go? Or are defeated yet?" Jason jeered tauntingly at the snake.

Oh..... I'm not done..... Yet! And then, snake lunged at Annabeth none of the boys who were fighting it were expecting this. So, having no chance to yell and tell Annabeth to dodge, Percy lunged right then getting bite right in the side.

He fell to the floor... Annabeth finished off the monster and turned to see Percy laying on the ground his blood, and the serpent's venom all over the ground.

Everyone was shocked. The monsters froze looking giddy. "PERCY!!" Annabeth screeched falling down on the ground next him.

The Serpent cackled mercilessly, this is what you ge- the snake was cut off... Annabeth had stabbed him sraight in the back through the stomach.

She was upset, angery, and scared. An Annabeth like this, is deadly and scary. She whispered, "please... Stay with us Seaweed Brain... Please..." Annabeth broke after this, collapsing on top of her boyfriend crying tears of grief.

In the end, they defeated the wolf, but only to lose a sheep. The MVP in fact.

Everybody frozen in grief. The monsters them selves were scared to death. Literally. They just "poofed"! And the monster dust was the only thing left behind.

Then, Will Solace came forward as he was best doctor here. "Annabeth..." He said softly. "No..." She whispered, "no... NO HE'S NOT DEAD!" She ended in a scream.

"We know that," Will said. That was lie. "But, I have an idea how we can heal him."

Annabeth's head immediately shot up. You could see the tear streaks of her tears, her red puffy, and her trembling lip. Annabeth was never like. It was like a completely new Annabeth.

"Y-y-you know.... A way?" She whispered her voice trembling and barely audible. Will nodded. Everyone knew there would be a catch. But no one would tell Annabeth that.

Will knew what was missing. It was so rare, it was practically impossible to get. Plus, he was never awakened till now. It was the skin, and eye of the Serpent of Death... Nobody has ever actually gotten it before...

There was a %0.001 chance of actually getting them... Either one of them. Then, the next ingredient was a drop of venom from the snake. It was normally always dropped around the person the snake bit. But you needed to get only one kiloliter. And only one kiloliter. More, would kill the person. Less would also kill them. Very slowly. Exactly one kiloliter without any of the other ingredients added would also kill them.

And then the very last ingredient is all the monster dust from a Hell Hound. It was hard to get sometimes if there wasn't Hell Hound around.

Will inhaled, then exhaled. He then turned to the spot where the snake had died for the serpent had died praying that then two items were there.

His face paled, there was only one of the two items you needed. The serpent's eye wasn't there. But, if it was just the snake skin, Percy wouldn't even be able to live.

You could replace it..... Yeah.... You really could.... Will had read a book on this for Madam Pomfrey.

You needed a drop of Serpent of Death blood, venom, an inch of the skin, and the very dagger the killed it. That would give you a replacement for the snake eye.

Will breathed in and called, "Nico, could you grab me the snake skin, all the monster dust of a Hell Hound, try to collect all the extra snake venom, and Annabeth's dagger."

Nico only nodded and headed to where everything was. Once he came back, Will thank him then said, "accio caldron," a caldron can flying past and landed right in front of Will. Then he said, "aguamenti," and a jet of water spewed from his wand tip and landed in the caldron, then did, "incendio." Heating up the caldron.

Then he started getting everything together. First, he did the snake eye replacement. He put the venom in first being very careful and mixing it until the water turned a dulled bright green. Then, he put in the chopped snake skin and blood and mixed. He stopped after one minute as the mix was getting thicker. Then he added Annabeth's dagger saying incendio again to make the water hot enough to melt the dagger. Once the dagger was fully melted, he began adding the heat, lessening the heat, adding more water, taking out more water.

Once the mix was sticky, bouncy, and shaped into a ball, Will took it out and placed it into a cold closed bottle for it cool. Once it was cool enough, he started the started the second mix.

*Time Skip Now He's Done With the Potion*

Will put everything the finished potion into a bottle. "Annabeth," he said, "I'm done." "Really?" Her voice was shrill but happy.

"Yep." Will didn't know if this was going to work. He held the bottle out to Annabeth, "do you want to?" He asked her. "Thank you so much Will..." She whispered her eyes shining as she took the bottle spread it on the wound and gave him the rest to drink. Just as you had to.

"Ok, it might take a while Annabeth; a day or two for him to wake up. Annabeth smiled weakly at him. "Thank you... I owe you so much. Thank you again." Tears rolled down her cheeks and she got up and gave Will a quick hug.

"Are you supposing it's the yet? Because it's not."
Word Count: 1274
Hey guys! I'm back! I was back from camp on Sunday so I'm sorry but I wanted to make this long and special for you guys as it's the 30th chapter! But, 1 last fight left! Then it's over. 2-3 chapters left. Lysm! Bye!
QOTD: What's your favorite thing you've done this summer
AA:Going to ether camp and doing the zip line or kings island

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