The Upcoming War Ch.23

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Annabeth POV

I stared at the dead girl in my hands and screamed. I killed her. She was dead. She died in my hands... Tears continued to stream down my face.

"It's-it's- a-all my-my f-f-fault." I sobbed. "S-she d-died on-on my own a-account." I sobbed.

"Shhh... Annabeth. It wasn't your fault. Maybe she just died of blood lost." Percy said kneeling next to me. I knew he was trying to comfort me, but it hurt even more.

"Tell McGonagall. H-h-ha-have her ex-expel me." I continuously sobbed and got up handing her body to Percy and going back to the Ravenclaw common room to pack my bags.

"Annabeth wait-" I ignored the rest. I didn't want to hear 'it wasn't your fault!' from anyone, because it was my fault!

I killed her. "What happens the most, yet least in life?" The monotone voice asked. I broke down in treats again. Was everyone just trying to make me feel worse?

Then, of course. Malfoy and his crony came sauntering over. Hey! Know-it-all!" He called. I informed it and face the wall to the common room.

"Hey. I'm speaking to you. Can you hear me, or are you deaf?" He challenged. I whimpered a single small no.

"Hah! Looks like there's a mouse in the room! I need someone's car so I can kill it!" Malfoy pestered me mercilessly. I continued to I gore it.

"So, I heard you're a MURDER!" He screamed cackling evilly afterwards.

Now I was one to follow to rules, but this cut the line. "Sectumsempra!" I called with my wand aimed at Malfoy.

"Chase! You little-" but I said the password code, death, and swiftly went into the room and ran up to my dormitory, shut the door, and flopped onto my four-poster bed crying.


Annabeth ran off. She's, she's just so upset. I mean all of us are over her death, but, Annabeth doesn't have to herself. Harry also blamed himself for the girl's death because it had been on his watch. Blimey, it was neither of their faults. It was that monster's fault.

Percy looked at where Annabeth had ran off. He was covered in scratches and looked rather worn down. I heavily sigh and said, "come on guys, let's head up to the hospital wing. Come on." I said leading the way.

But Hermione stopped me. "Ron. Do you know what this means?" She asked. I frowned at her. "What are you talking about?" "The girls attack. All those monsters. Ron, the next war is starting." She told me shaking her head.

"We need to tell Dumbl-" But then she caught herself remembering what had happened 2 years ago. She let out a soft whimper remembering Dumbledore. Greatest wizard of all times, killed by Snape. Then I remembered Professor Snape. He risked his life for us.

I shook my head. "Professor McGonagall. Yeah. Her. Let's go." Hermione muttered.

"But, Annabeth." Percy whined. Luna nodded. "We need all of us. Ill go with Percy. We'll be back as soon as can." And with that, they hurried down the hall.

5 minutes later, they came back with a very upset Annabeth. Quickly we all hurried down to gregroyle to warn McGonagall.

Then I thought of something. Maybe McGonagall decided to stick with the old pattern. Candies.

"Peppermint Strings." I said as my first guess. It opened reviling a stairway. Without even wait for it to start going up on its own, we all bounded up the stairs and knocked on the doors.

But the door was open, and inside, were several random monsters cornering Professor McGonagall.
Word Count: 613
More bad things. I was about to make the room empty and a bunch of monsters there. But no. Or McGonagall on the floor with blood on her dead, killed by monsters. But no. I'm too "nice". Put "Ginny" if you actually the A/Ns'. Just wondering. See you all!

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