Classes! Ch.18

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Annabeth POV

I couldn't wait! We were going to classes! Finally! Yes! Some learning was going to be done! Hurray! Quickly I walked back to the Ravenclaw room to get my bags and grab my schedule.

I practically bounced the whole way back to the common room. "Woah! Annabeth, slow down. I'm afraid you're going to fall down." Reyna warned me.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I'm just super excited for classes! Is is the first time I'm going to Hogwarts classes! And I can't wait!" I continue exclaim. Skipping through the hallways till we reach the common room.

"What helps in the underworld, but is not helpful?" The voice asked me, I thought for a minute. There was one thing I thought could work, "pain." I answered

"Why pain Annabeth?" As soon as Piper said that she made "oh" sign with her mouth. I nodded. In then underworld souls that go to the fields of punishment get pain. It helps them Hades, but does not help them (Donno. I had to think of something).

The answer was correct, and I bounded into the common room and snatched my stuff up excited.

My schedule was,

Breakfast 7:30-8:30
Potions with Slytherins 9:00-9:55
Charms with Hufflepuffs 10:00-11:10
Transfiguration 11:15-12:10
Lunch 12:15-1:10
History of Magic 1:15-2:25
Defence Against the Dark Arts with Gryffindors 2:30-3:25
Astronomy with Hufflepuffs 3:30-4:25
Herbology  4:30-5:30
Care of Magical Creatures with Gryffindors 5:30-5:55
Dinner 6:00-6:30
Free Time  6:35-7:35
Ancient Runes 7:35-8:45
Lights Out 9:00

I only had like 1 hour of free time, but I was fine with it. I mean, classes! Quickly I gathered myself and met with my friends outside.

"K, guys, it's lunch right now, so let's go to the lunch room." I told them, they nodded in response.

"Come on! We should probably head there now." Reyna said. Me and Piper nodded.

*Time skip to Lunch*
I sat down at the Ravenclaw table with Reyna and Piper, and looked at the food. It looked so good! There was mashed potatoes, chicken, rice, soup, and other things.

I grabbed some mashed potatoes, chicken, and olives. I ate quickly so I wouldn't be late History of Magic. "Girls we can have some free time if we eat quickly." I muttered to Reyna and Piper. They nodded showing they understood.

I still had a portion of my food still left for Athena. "Where do we put our portions?" I asked Reyna and Piper. "Umm... I don't know. Pray to them?" Piper volunteered.

So we turned around and so facing the Slytherins backs.

Dear Athena,
I prey that you will give me wisdom
When I need. Please except this offering.

I looked down at the plate and saw it was empty. It'd work! Yes! "Come on! Now let's go to classes." I said beckoning the girls.

Quickly we sprang up from our chairs and walked down the hallways to History of Magic.

*Time skip to History of Magic*

"-and that was why Voldemort had awaken." He finished off. I scribbled down some more notes. With History of Magic being 1 hour 10 minutes, (if you didn't fall asleep) you should be able to get at least a full page done. I got 3.

Practically everyone was awake and taking notes on what he was saying (I forgot the History of Magic teacher's name, somebody help me).

When the bell rang, I hurried off to Defence Against the Dark Arts with Gryffindors.

*Time skip to Defence Against the Dark Arts*

On I entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts room, there was someone I had not expected to be there. "Mr.Burnner!" I exclaim as I bounce into the classroom remembering not to call him Chiron when any mortals were around.

I hug him just as I hear Piper and Reyna walk in up to Chiron and say hi. "Chi- Mr.Burnner!" I heard Percy yell as he ran into the classroom. I wave to Leo and Jason as they walk into the room.

Once Chiron made sure everyone was in the room, he started. "Ok, Ravenclaws and Gryffindors, just to test you, we will be using swords and daggers today." I heard a few gasps. But I wasn't surprised. "You will be learning to disarm other people. Can I have someone come up and show me how you disarm somebody? I need 2 volunteers." He announced.

Percy hand shot into the air quick as lighting mine following. "Percy Annabeth, show them how. Do not show off." He said.

"Want me to go easy?" Percy asked mockingly. "No, this is a demonstration." I explained. "Just disarm me." I said. Percy nodded.

I grabbed a sword from the rack which was heavy, I was not used to swords. And Percy of course, had Riptide. We both took celesta bronze.

Me and Percy faced each other then went. I pretended to be a beginner but I held my sword the right way. Percy came and disarmed me. If it was for real, I'd have my drakon bone dagger and this could of on for a long time.

"Now, see how Percy disarmed her? Now Percy do it slowly." Chiron said. Percy disarmed me slowly so the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors could see.

"Now I want you all to try it with a partner." Chiron said.

Me and Percy did a duel for real this time. I had my Drakon bone dagger out, and Percy had Riptide. It was a long fight of swerving and dodging. In the end I won when Percy looked at my eyes.

Defence Against the Dark Arts was 1 hour. Yep! Me and Percy were sparring for 1 whole hour. I smiled and laughed. "Next time. Next time for sure." Percy challenged me. "Yep! And good luck." I said.

There was a round of applause and I looked out, people had been watching my round with Percy. "Thank you!" I said.

I smiled right as the bell rang, for my next class that I have, Astronomy with Hufflepuffs.
Somewhere around 1035
Hey guys I'm sitting in a closet writing this when I should be in bed. But oh well. Bye! Ily!

QOTD: What's Your Favorite Hogwarts Class
AA: Defence Against the Dark Arts


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