This is the Start of a War Ch.24

145 2 14

Piper POV

McGonagall was surrounded by Furies, Empousai, Gorgons, Hydras, Cyclopes, and some other monsters only Annabeth and Percy could name.

"McGonagall!" I cried out to her. She put a finger up to her lip, but the damage had already been done. The monsters turned around and faced us.

My eyes widened and I immediately got Kaptrois (spelling??) out. Percy, Hazel, Ron, Luna, Neville, and me were all a bit tired after our run with the other monsters.

"Sssoo?? Little demigodss out here to fight usss?" The Scythian Dracanae hissed. Percy glared at it in displeasure.

"Ohh... What is it we have here? A sssson of Posssseidon? Oh ho ho... Why, you'll be quite the catch!" She continued.

Percy smirked. "Yeah.... I'll totally go with you to..... Wherever you're taking me." He said sarcastically.

"Oh, will you really?" She exclaimed believing it. Percy laughed, "no." "What? Y-you mean you won't come with ussss?" She hissed softly as though close to tears.

"Wait, why are we even having this conversation??" Percy questioned himself. "Oh.... Oh.... Oh yeah! Let'ssss attack!" She ordered.

"Heh! Let's send these monsters back to where they came from!" Percy cheered and we hurried to fight them.

Time Skip since I'm lazy....

We stood there covered in dust panting. The Wizards had helped casting spells to keep monsters down or away for a short period of time.

McGonagall stared at us beyond surprise. "How? What?-" "Professor, are you ok? Did any of the monsters hurt you? What happened?" Hermione questioned.

McGonagall shook her head. "No, no, I'm fine Granger." She applied. "Though it gave me quite a fright when I came in. But, how did you get in here?"

"We guessed the password." Frank admitted. "Well, thank you all so much. I owe you all my life. Still, do you all need something? Is there any reason at all that you're up here?"

"Yes. It is a very important matter." Annabeth stated. Fighting those monsters seemed to have pulled her together.

"This concerns the next war. The 3rd war for us, and for you the 2nd war. The first evidence for this is the attack." "What? Attack? When?" McGonagall inquired. Annabeth sighed and looked at the war. "It happened just today.... A monster had attacked a little girl and...." Annabeth's voice couldn't seem to continue so I took over.

"The monster had attacked the girl. A Hufflepuff 1st year. It..... It had killed her.... Annabeth had tried to help her but it was to late." I explained.

"Stop saying it's not my fault because it is! If I hadn't feed her that stupid ambrosia and nectar she wouldn't have died." Annabeth's voice had taken an unnaturally high turn.

Since she didn't want anyone saying 'no! It wasn't your fault!' we didn't say anything. "Any other evidences?" She asked.

"They've taken enough time gathering their strength.... They wouldn't waste anymore time! I'm sorry, but we need to act now! Sharpen the boundaries, have everyone on their feet, train them hard!" Reyna stated.

McGonagall nodded. "You're right. It's time for us to take a turn of action."
Word count: 512
I fell so so so so bad! I haven't updated in like a month! I've had horrible writers block for this. I just feel so bad! And sorry it's a bit short. But, I've been beige watching Fairytail. Tell me if you watch the anime. I'm on like season 5. I've been beiging for for 2 weeks or something. And the baby bunny we had gotten died 2 weeks ago.... T^T We buried somewhere amours our front entrance. K just letting you guys have a catch on my real life (not like you care). Bye! Love y'all!

The~Back in Season~Orca🐬🐳

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