Easter Special Ch.22

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Happy Easter you guys! I know this is a late Easter, but still! Here's an Easter special!

Harry POV

Percy's eyes were shining in excitement when he woke me up. I scowled and groaned, "what do you want Percy that you had to wake me at 6 in the morning?" I asked obviously annoyed.

"It's Easter!" He cheered like a little boy. "Yea. So?" "Just come downstairs with me." He said, already walking to the common room."

I inwardly groaned. I was being waken up, on Easter morning, by a 6 year old. When I got there, everyone in our group was already up. Even if they were from other houses.

"So, Percy. You finally got Harry downstairs. Would you like to tell us why you brought us all in the common room? At bloody 6 in the morning?" Ron asked.

"Why are you all so upset?" Oblivious Percy asked. "You woke us up at 6 in the morning on Easter!" A flustered Hermione scowled.

"Yes. Seaweed Brain, some people need sleep. It's not like you every wake up at 6 in the morning." Annabeth countered.

Percy put on his pouting face. Annabeth sighed and asked, "what do want?" Percy grinned.

"Do you do an Easter egg hunt at Hogwarts?" Percy asked his face full of hope. Annabeth yet again sighed. Hermione was about to say something until Annabeth whispered something in her ear.

Hermione nodded. "So. Do you do an Easter egg hunt?" Percy asked yet again. All of us wizards were confused. What is he talking about? But the demigods looked annoyed.

"N-" Ron was cut off when Hermione stomped on his foot. "Bloody hell Hermione!" Ron cursed. "Why'd you step on my foot?"

Hermione then whispered something in Ron's ear, he nodded.

"Ok. Enough games. Percy there is-" I began. But was shortly cut off when Hermione and Ginny stepped on feet. "REALLY??" I questioned. Both girls burst out laughing. "Wanted to see your reaction." Ginny laughed.

"Umm... Well Percy. Yes! There is an Easter egg hunt! At umm.... Around 1:00-2:00." Hermione quickly fibbed. "Hermione! You know there is-" I began. "SHUT UP HARRY!!" Ginny and Hermione yelled.

"Geez...." I muttered. Percy's eyes shined brighter than the sun when he heard this. "Really?" He asked. Hermione nodded. "Yep. Starts at 1:30, and goes till 2:30." She fibbed again.

"Annabeth! See? There is an Easter egg hunt! I told you!" He shrieked like a 6 year. "Yes yes. You were right. Good for you." She agreed.

"Oh, and.... You guys can go back to sleep." Percy finally acknowledged. "Bloody hell! Thank you!" Ron exclaimed and headed upstairs.

Annabeth kissed Percy on and the lips and said, "see you later Seaweed Brain." Walking out and waving at her. "PDA! PDA! Someone call the police!" Leo shouted. "Shut up Leo!" Annabeth and Percy scowled. "See ya Wise Girl." Percy called.

"Well I'm going back to sleep," (see that reference Hamilton fans?) Hermione yawned. But then froze. "Oh... Uh... I need to tell professor something!" She said racing out of the common room. "See you?" I half said/asked.

Ginny yawned and kissed my cheek, "see you all in the morning." She said headed off to the girl dormitories.

Then Nico came up to me. "By the way Harry, you better ask Hermione to make half the candy blue." I gave him a questioning look, but he was already walking back to his house.

I sigh. No one ever tells me anything.....

Time skip to breakfast

I sat down at the Gryffindor table only to find a very hyped Percy and Leo. I noticed Jason sitting there gritting his teeth as he failed to get the boys to calm down.

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