Goodbye, Forever Ch.31 (Last Chapter) ❤️

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Nobody POV

Everyone froze. Annabeth recognized that voice, it was that one voice that continued to hunt her dreams till now. Tartarus.....

Heh.... You think the end is near... But it's really as near as you think! Ah and Annabeth and Percy, I don't know if Bob or Damien are still alive... I may have killed them. But I don't know. Really! Ha! But if you thought you were going face me, to bad! I'm sending up my titans, giants, and the Dark Lord himself, Lord Voldemort. Why I'm calling him lord, don't ask. We all know I'm the Lord here really! Hehe! If you defeat all my minions, I might think about sending Gaea and myself in... But only if... Good bye for now!

Then, they saw the titans and giants coming forth, Lord Voldemort leading them. "Ah.... I see you defeated him. Thought he was nearly invincible," Voldemort snarled. "But, what so ever the matter, at least he got one of you best fighters out of commission."

This fight wasn't going to end well for one side or the other. "Thus should be an easy fight. You should just surrender before anyone else gets killed. Then if you don't, you'll feel the guilt of all their deaths piling up on you," Voldemort sneered tauntingly.

"We'll see about that," Annabeth countered back.

"Oh really? I'll be in the sidelines, I'd like to see you all finish them without me. Ta ta," and with that, he was off.

"This is going to hurt real bad monsters! So you better run an' hid," Leo shouted threateningly. This was going to be one hell of a ride!

Everyone got into a fighting stance. Then, 3, 2, 1!

Annabeth headed straight for her opponent, a cyclops. She ran right at it, purging her new dagger right through its heart. She ripped out the dagger as the monster crumbled to dust.

"Everyone," Annabeth shouted. "Keep fighting! We'll win this! Even if it causes my life!"

"Yeah!" Everyone yelled as though this were all some Fairytail (XD! Get my reference??) with a happy ending. But no. This wasn't that.

Stop dreaming. That'll never come. Voldemort declined scowling.

"It's my dream, and it's going to happen. We'll live through this!" Annabeth argued.

Tsk. Not my problem.

"You best-" The monster was cut down to monster dust by Nico.

"Yeah no," He stated.

"Watch your mouth boy!" A weird snake thing shouted and plunged it's tail into Nico's calf.

"Argh. That's going to hurt for a while," And he fell to the floor in pain.

Will rushed over to Nico's side and dragged him off the battle field to tend him. Any monster that came their way, Frank would shoot off.

It was getting tiring, but everyone fought perilously. Nothing would stop them.

Monster after monster, they fought. It was a perilous fight. Nobody could give up. Many died that night. It hurt seeing more die after another falling to the ground. As the enemy numbers got smaller, so did the wizards. They remained with more people! They were winning! They were so close. Just a few more monsters.

"You won't be defeating me!" A monster cackled.

"Check again," Annabeth said dully plunging her dagger through its heart. It's eyes widened as the blade went through. The monster crumbled to dust.

The very last monster. Dead. This fight would be over soon. Soon they would be facing a great enemy.

Voldemort was in shock. Everyone of those monster he had set up, trained. Gone. Defeated. Only monster dust. "Wh-what? How? No. No. No! Avada-"

"Expelliarmus!" Everyone yelled who was still alive, and conscious was pointing their wands at Voldemort.

"What? No! No! No...." A bright flash exploded and he was lost in a bright flash. Voldemort gone so quickly. How amazing. But now, it was nearing to the big fight. Tartarus versus Wizards. Now, we wonder who will come out on top.

What a shame... A pitiful voice sounded. That one voice nobody could forget. Tartarus. Sigh. And I thought we would win. Well, looks like it's time for me to clean up the fray. What a shame. I'm coming for you demigods and wizards. There's no way I'll lose. I'd like to see you try.

"We will. You won't. I'll enjoy seeing you burn to ground Tartarus!" To everyone's surprise, it was Percy. He held riptide (a girl XD Magnus Chase reference) in his hand as he charged straight forward.

Oh how funny Persus. What a useless try. Tartarus sneered and flicked Percy aside like he was nothing. Ah! How funny! You think you can beat me! Oh wow. Not even all of you together can do it. Not unless you believe 'Friendship is Magic'. He sneered in mockery.

"You'll see. We'll beat you, then we'll see who's laughing. I'm ready Tartarus, to take full on!" This time, Annabeth didn't charge right at him, she began chanting.

"My very enemy stands before me
I wish to win thus very battle
Thou who wish with me,
Shall grant me thy power
Thy power to take down thou enemy
Whatever it shall cost
Even thou life
I wish upon it,
For his banishment."

Everyone could feel the power flowing between them. Annabeth's eyes were closed and her head tilted slightly upwards to the sky with her hands outstretched.

What? No! No! Noooo!! Two strikes of lightning were brought down upon the same time, one on Annabeth, one right through Tartarus.

The ancient spell, I thought it had been lost a millennia ago. But here it is. The one spell that can vanish me. Along with it's caster. What a huge lost, for such a price. And yet, they win the fight. There is no returning me, or her. This is the end isn't it? What a strange ending. I guess it's worth it isn't it? To just get rid of only me. I'll vanish forever, no returning. Well demigods, and wizards, I hope you are happy about your lost. And my absence. Goodbye, forever.
Word count: 1005
That's the end. I might include some other chapters, but that's the end for this book. 31 chapters and I've finally ended it. It's almost been a year. I had fun writing this, I hope you enjoyed reading. Bye, I love you all, and thanks for reading.


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