200 Veiw Special Frazel Ch.13

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Ok... So, I didn't plan through. But I'm suspecting this will be short. Me not being a very big Frazel shipper. And I love Hamilton! >~<

Hazel POV

I was laying on my bed drawing a picture of 7, Nico, and Reyna after the Giant war. All of us were smiling. This was done off the reference of the actual picture.

I smiled. Even though we had blood and scraps on us after the second war, we were all smiling. Nobody was frowning. Just like how I liked life.

Nobody upset, or angry. Everyone, happy. But I knew this was one of my impossible dreams. As much as I wanted to believe it, it couldn't happen.

"Haz-" I heard Frank's voice part way through calling my name then stopping.

"Wow." He said stepping into my room looking at the painting.

I blushed. "That is... That is amazing! Hazel! You're awesome at drawing! Dang! Even Jupiter would be impressed. And that's a lot to hope for." He exclaimed.

I laughed and thanked him. "So, Hazel. Doyouwanttogoonadate?" Frank said really fast.

"What?" I asked super confused.

He took a deep breath and said, "do you want to go on a date?"

"Really?" I asked in suprise. (K, so I'm just deciding. They're in New Rome. Ha! So umm... Yea. But can someone tell me, if in New Rome they don't go by godly parents, where do they sleep? Unless it was just divided by legion, then I'm stupid. Umm... And they aren't dating.)

"Uhhh... Yeah... Sure... I mean.... Ummmm.... Really... Are you sure.... I'm not really.... Uhh..." I practically just rambled.

"Hazel... It's fine if you don't want to go... It's... Fine. Really." Frank had turned to go out when I stopped him.

"I'd-I'd actually like to." I told him stuttering. "R-really?" He stuttered confused. "Yeah. This could be fun!" I told him smiling.

"Meet you round 5?" He asked. "Yeah, but where?" "Umm... Then where to?" I asked. "The place where we first met." (Sorry. I've forgotten what it's called.) I nodded and smiled. "See you there!" I called to him waving.

Wow... Frank Zhang just asked me on a date. Praetor (that the correct spelling?) New Rome, Frank Zhang just asked me on a date! Wow. Wait... What do I do? What do I wear? What are we doing? Wait, how'd Frank get the free time??

Gods, I should just stop doubting. What to wear what to wear?

That's when I came up with a solution. Piper. She'll definitely help me! I hope...

So I Iris Messaged her.

"Hey Pipes!" I called through the message. Then I immediately regretted saying that as she was battling Leo about to defeat him.

When Piper was distracted, Leo disarmed her. "Hazel! I was about to win! Could you have waited one more second?" Piper complained.

"One win for Super Supreme Bad Boy!" Leo bragged. "Shut up Leo!" Piper complained.

"Anyways, do you need something?" She asked friendlier. "Yeah... But could Leo go away?" I asked. "Oh sure! Get your bragging face out of here Leo!" She shouted to him.

Leo stopped doing his victory dance and turned to Piper, "why Beauty Queen?" He asked. "Just do it!" She demanded.

"Fine fine fine...." He muttered walking away.

"K. So Hazel what up?" Piper asked. "Frank just asked me on a date!" I squealed softly. "Ohhhh! Where's he's taking you?" She asked.

"I think around Rome." I said. "Hmmm... K." "So, what is it? Do you need to know anything?" She asked. "A lot. Like what to where? Will he like me? Will I start randomly bringing up gold? Ahhh! I'm just so nervous." I squeaked.

"K, so, just keep you're cool. Don't be a nervous reck! Jut, stay calm! Oh and what to where, I'd say light and breezy. It is warm out. Then, will he like you? Of course he will! Then if he didn't, why would he have asked you on a date? Plus you're just lovable!"

I blushed when she said this.

"Then, will you start bringing up gold? Yeah... Maybe if you start acting like a nervous reck. And yeah that completes it all. Bye!" Piper said. "Thanks and bye!" I said, then slashed my hand through the IM.

30 minutes later (when she ended the call it was 4:30 or something.)

I heard a knock on the door and there was Frank in his Praetors' outfit. "Umm... Hey Frank." I said waving. "Hey Hazel."

"So, Frank, are we going?" I asked. "Hu? Yeah! Of course. Follow me." Then he lead me out the door.

I had my curly hair tied up in a ponytail, and was wearing a purple tee shirt with a gold skirt.

"Y-you look nice." Frank told me when we were at the area and walking around. "Oh. Thank you! You could say the same about yourself..." I complemented him. He blushed.

"Umm... Hazel I've know you for a long time and your cool, funny, smart, cute. And-and I loved you the first time I saw you and looked at your face. The more I was with you, the more I loved you. Hazel, I love you with all my heart, so could I have the... Umm... Honorofbeingyourboyfriend?" He said quickly.

Immediately, my face turned a bright bright red as he said this. I couldn't believe it. I mean I couldn't make out a lot of it. But I understood one word. Girlfriend.

Standing on my tippy toes, I reached up and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Yes Frank Zhang."
Few! Done with that! I'll try uploading at night. If not, I'll try now. So yeah, this turned out longer than expected. So, as usual, Ilysm! Bye!

The~Not Exactly On Schedule~Orca🐬🐳

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