Sorting Ch.5

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Yes. I named the chapter "Sorting". Losy. I know. Anyway, in my last part, I posted a comment for you all to see. So, yea, you can go and look,at that. But anyways, it'll be right here. So I'm wondering, though I know like no one will probably answer, but, I'll be doing a question of the day every chapter. So yea. I really hope you all like this though.

No One POV

The demigods and Golden Trio walked into excitedly. "So, we'll be sitting at the Gryffindor table, and if anyone of you are Gryffindor, come sit by us!" Hermione exclaimed as she walked to her table leaving the demigods alone.

"What?" Someone said. "Who are the they?" Another wondered. "Probably people above 11!" A person answered. The demigods were rather used to the attention, but didn't like it.

There was Annabeth who was out of line and looking at the architecture of Hogwarts, Percy, who was playing around with water rather bored, Hazel who was accidentally bringing up coins from the Earth, Leo who had fire in his hair, Jason who was flipping coin back and forth between a sword and javelin, Piper who was just using her charm speak on boys, Frank was standing still, and so was Nico.

Finally they had called everyone else, but the demigods.

Annabeth POV

"Chase, Annabeth." A lady called. I stopped. I had been the first of the demigods to be called. I had somehow found a way to to get up to the floating candles while looking at the architecture of the place.

I blushed while I worked out a way to get down. "Chase, Annabeth." The lady called up. I saw a few eyes starring up at me.

"Umm... Yes?" I said. Then I realized my best chance was to fall down and let Percy catch me. I looked down at him and nodded. He nodded back the quickly extinguished the fire on Leo's hair.

"What the??" Someone random started. Quickly I fell down. And Percy caught me.

"Umm... Sorry about that." I told her. "Just go to the hat." She said. I sat down and tried the hat.

Hmmm.... The hat thought in my mind. Very very brave. Could be Gryffindor.... Very smart... Bree or smart? Hmmm...But wait. Child of Anthea. Then must be, "RAVENCLAW!" The hat shouted out. Quickly I took it off my head as tears streamed down my face. Tartarus... It had shown me memories I never had wanted to see again. Never.

Nevertheless, the Ravenclaws' had clapped for me.

"Annabeth!" Percy called. He walked over and wiped a tear off my cheek. "It's going to be ok Annabeth. It's going to be ok." He told me. "O-ok." I replied.

Percy POV

"Jackson, Percy." The lady called. I glanced up and walked over to her from the Ravenclaw table where Annabeth sat. I walked over to the stool and sat where Annabeth had.

Hmmmm.... The hat thought in my mind. Extremely brave. Very very.... The then, the hat went over my worst memory. It still haunts me. The memories, of Tartarus.

I just wanted to forget it. The way I had forgotten my memory before. I wished. I wished I could so bad. But... I couldn't. Let's see here. Ah! A great friend. Very loyal. But also really brave. I believe, you could have talent, like Harry Potter....

Then with that, the hat yelled out, "GRYFFINDOR!!" I'd been sweating as it had recalled the memories of Tartarus. The Gryffindors' were cheering and yelling for me. I smiled and nodded like I was really glad. But the memories bothered me...

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