Happy Easter 🐣

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Hi guys... I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. I feel terrible! I'm Sirius! (Really) Anyways, it's because on Saturday, while I was ice skating, I did a lunge and ended up falling and hitting my right wrist. Which sucks. Then, I had to go to a party that lasted till 2 in morning 2 in the morning. I tell you. Ugh. Then, we had Easter! And I went Easter egg hunting with my friend! Then, I had testing and all the revolutionary war crap homework. But, guess what? I'm finished with testing! And we're almost done with the revolution stuff! Yea! I'll do an Easter update tomorrow hopefully. Bye! Ilyasm for sticking with throughout this! Bye! And have a great Easter! (Though it already past... That doesn't matter).


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