Chapter 1

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Okay disclaimer it may have a trigger warning. Does involve cutting and depression. If you're not comfortable please don't read it. Also it's my first story don't judge me that bad thank you xx

"Aubrey wake up Hun" called my mum "don't wanna be late for your first day of school" I mentally banged my head at the thought.

Hello my names Aubrey Jenner I moved to London from California my freshman year and let me tell you it was hell. Lucky it was my last year at this hell hole they call school. I got up and took a shower.

I let my brown long brown hair air dry in the mean time I did my makeup nothing extream just mascara and lip gloss. I allways wore minimum because I thought it looked better natural. Once I was done I put on a long sleeve to cover my scares and wore simple black pants with my black and white converse. Soon I was done and gave my mum a kiss and said bye not bothering to get breakfast I wasn't really hungry. I walked to school considering it was only a five minute walk. I was greeted by my only friend Janel. I ran to her and gave her a hug. I missed her so much! Since I didn't see her at all this summer due to the fact she went on vacation to the US! She was thin and she was the same hight as me 5'7 she had beutiful blond hair that went up to her shoulder and amazing blue eyes which I envied my were plain brown. Very thing about me was plain.

As we were walking I spoted him near his black truck. I put my head down walking a bit faster. Janel must have noticed and gave me a sympethic smile. Harry made his way towards me with that smirk on his face god I hated it. I was getting really scared as he was walking over here. Then Nancy aka the school slut went runing up to him quickly kissed him. I basically threw up at the sight.

The bell then rang meaning it was time for first period. I had math with Janel yay . I actully really enjoyed math it was naturally easy for me. The teacher let us have the whole class to our selves being it was the first day. So me and Janel started chatting it up when we got interrupted by a call sip to the office. As she left I started looking through my phone as I herd the door open I ignored it. Then I heard someone sit next to me I thought it was Janel but no it was harry fucken styles ugg I hated him.

'' did the slut miss me over the summer?" He said with that anoying smirk of his. I decided to ignore him I kept scrolling down my tumblr dashboard.

"I asked you something bitch!" he said with anger then he squeezed my arm till I yelped in pain. I was sure that would leave a bruise.

"Harry leave me alone" I said with confidence.

He looked at me and said "so the whores sassy now isn't she?" His smirked evilly . "Well bitch you earned your self a little punishment after school."

I gulped at the thought another beating. Ever since I got here he started verbally bullying me. No one talked to me because Harry was popular and I was that girl he hated so everyone hated me too.
The only person who actully cared to talk to me was Janel that's why I love her she's my other half.
But then my jr year Harry started physically bullying me.

Harry then snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Parking lot after school don't run bitch" I shuddered at the thought he then smirked and walked out like nothing.

The rest of the day went by quickly it was time to go home as I was puting my stuff in my locker Janel showed up. "Hey love!" She was allways so full of happyness. "Hey boo!" I mocked her tone. She just rolled her eyes. "So Aubrey want me to take you home?" "No thanks love Id rather walk" she just shook her head laughing "okay babe see you tommorow" I then gave her a hug good bye.

As I was walking out of school I remember what Harry said ohh no. I ran as fast as I could. I started slowing down. Bad idea him and his gang Louis, zayn , Niall, and Liam came right beside me I was scared to death.

"What did I say about runing?" He growled. He was mad. His eyes no longer green but a dark black.

"I.. I.. Umm" right when I was gonna say something I felt the punch in my gut. I fell to the floor.
"Don't ever run away bitch!" Harry yelled then they all started kicking I felt a kick to my face and with that I blacked out.

I woke up on the side of the street where they had beat me up. A shot of pain hit my whole body I limped home.

Thankfully my mom and dad get home late. It was 6pm when I got back. Tears everywhere. I struggled going up stairs but I managed. I went stright to the bathroom where I found my blade.
I slices my wrist till the sink was full of blood "why me" I said in between tears. I pealed off my shirt and pants and looked at my reflection redish bluish bruises were everywhere. I sighed and turned to take a shower.

It was 7pm when I got out. My phone buzzed meaning I had a message.

From: mummy <3

Hey love how was school? Me and your father are gonna be late don't wait up! Xx love

To: mummy<3
It was fine mom thanks for asking. And that's fine. Bye (: xx

I lied to mom saying school was fine. I just didn't want to explain you know ? Gosh I hated lieing to her. With that I went to the kitchen and ate lucky charms that was the only thing I had eaten all day it tasted like heaven. When I was done I washed the bowl the soap touched me new cuts as I winced in pain gosh that hurt.

After I headed to my room pulled out my Mac book and went on tumblr. I loved tumblr there were people who related to me. It was amazing!
I got a bit tired afterwards so I signed off and went to lay down.
A million thoughts went through my head and most of them conected back to the one and only Harry Styles .

As I was thinking my eyes felt heavy and with that I fell into a deep sleep.


Authors note;
Hey lovely this is my first time writing a fan fiction sorry if it absolutly sucks /:
But I hope you enjoy (: xxx sorry it was short but you know.
Follow me on twitter yea? @ayo_genie

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