Chapter 22

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(A/N I had no time to edit this so sorry!)

Aubrey's Pov

It's been 7 months since I've been admitted here I haven't talked to anyone other then my therapist I actully think I'm going insane! Tommorow is my last day that's the only thing that's keeping me going. I stopped self harming and I'm eating more but the food is horrendous it's worse then school food. I've gotten some letters from the girls but I haven't answered them back because the people in here don't trust me with pens or paper. They even took away my paper plane necklace.

7 months in here and I still couldn't stop thinking about him. His perfect smile. His dimples. Thoes perfect green piercing eyes. I couldn't stopped thinking about harry. In the letter jazzy wrote me it said they were happy together and that hurt. It hurts seeing or in this situation hearing the person that makes you happy be happy with someone else. But then again he's made my life what it is right now hell! Sitting here has made me relize that I eaither care to much or I don't care at all and to be utterly honest I don't know which is worse.

Jazzys Pov

"Kiara! Talin will you please hurry the hell up we still need to find the dresses for the wedding and Harry's outside waiting!" I yelled as I was putting my blond hair up in a perfect messy bun. Wait did I say perfect messy bun? Does that even make sense? Ugg whatever!

"I'm going but first let me take a selfie" Kiara said as she laughed at her own joke I couldn't help but burst out laughing. God she's such an idiot!

Finally talin was out and ready took her long enough.

"Finally you guys take ages to get ready! I thought I was gonna get old here and die" Harry said as he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up and let's go to the mall you still need to find a tux you diddle doo" I said as I pecked his lips.

"Ew no kissing I just ate" Kiara said as she made gagging noices.
"So Aubrey's going back tommorow" talin chirped in.
"Oh that's right we should get her something" Kiara pitched in.
"Well ashton is still whipped on her we should tell him to make a song about her" I said as I rang texted him telling him our plan.

"I don't think he has time Jazzy his already going to be the opening band at the wedding!" Harry snapped. God what's gotten up his arse?

"I think it's a good Idea" Kiara said smiling "I do too" talin said making me jump back at her sudden boost of energy.

"Whatever let's just go get this shit and get it over with" Harry said obviously annoyed.

Whenever Aubrey's name seems to come up he always snaps and I'm not sure why. Does he like her?

We arrived at the mall and we all split up by all I mean harry went to go find his tux and we went to find our dresses.

Harry's Pov

The past 7 months have been easy to forget about Aubrey. I think my little crush towards her is gone. I actully really like jazzy I'm not at the point where I can't say I love her but I do like her. As for Aubrey? I guess I see her as a friend but when ever they bring up her being with Ashton it gets me kind of mad. I don't know why but it does. I'm not jealous if that's what you think.

I was so lost in thought that I bumped into someone while making my way towards the tux store.

"Hey watch were your going damn!" I yelled but when I saw who it was I completly froze.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled not even looking at me I dought she knows who she bumped into.

"Au- Aubrey" my voice came out below a wisper.

"Um yes and you are?" She looked utterly confused. Wait does she not remember me.

"I'm harry.. Don't you remember me?" I was quite upset. Remember how I said I lost feelings for her? I might have been wrong. She looked beautiful and way healthier then befor.

"No I don't am I suppose to?" This time she looked down. How can she not remember me? Is she just lieing.

"Well um kinda we umm had a thing before you went away" I said while scratching my head.
"I'm sorry I only remember things that were important to me or that's what my therapist said. She said every bad memorie was washed away" she still didn't look at me and to be honest it hurt. I obviously wasn't important to her.

"I need to get going I need to find a tux for your brothers wedding I'll see you then?" I asked quite hopeful. Maybe her not remembering me was for the best we could start over.

"Oh yeah of corse it was nice meeting you harry bye" with that she left.

My only question is why can't she remember me?


A/N; don't kill me yet if you didn't understand this chapter it will be clearer next chapter.
Hope you enjoyed.
And aww poor Harold .-.

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