Chapter 18

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Aubrey's Pov

I finally woke up from my nap which I manged to cry my self into. The nightmare was quite horrible I drempt that I killed myself and harry found my lifeless body. Want to know how I knew it was a dream? Well it was because he "cared" about me ha! Funny right.

(A/N; so she's not dead lol don't kill me)

I decided I was done stressing over Finn he wasn't worth it.

I wanted coffe so I made my way to our small kitchen to find a sleeping Harry and Jazzy. God they looked so happy although it pains me to say it I hope they last. Jazzy deserves someone who makes her happy espessally after what happened with Xavier and all..

I made myself some coffee and was about to leave as a yelling Kiara came into view.

"Guys were going out no butts" she said as both harry and jazzy woke up.
"Especially the lovely couple over there" talin said while winking.

Can she not I mean I'm right here.

"God Aubrey you look horrible" Harry said smirking.

"Yeah well it's not my fault my boyfriend cheated on me and told me through the phone this morrning so if you will excuses me I'm going to watch American horror story and be jealous of Tate and violet so don't bother me without a valid reason" i finished off sassily.

I was watching as Tate told violet "I tried to save you... You died crying. I held you. You were safe you died loved" "
"wait what this is not okay she's dead but now she can be with Tate forever right?" I said yelling at Netflix through my computer when suddenly the door flew open.

"Okay you need to tell me what happened babe he obviously was an idiot for doing that" talin said as she hugged me.

I told her everytime that happened this morning with no tears thank Jesus.

"That dipshit" she murmured

"It's fine he deserves better and go hang out with them don't let me ruin the day!" I said fake smiling obviously.

"Shut up Aubrey you know that's not true and don't worry you're not because your coming with us" she said as she dragged me out of my bed and into the shower.

"And don't get out untill you look good as new" and with that I was left alone.

Talins pov

"So is she coming?" Kiara asked while drinking Starbucks. It's her addiction Im not even lying.
"I'm pretty sure she is I mean if not she's going to be stuck on Netflix for the rest of the day" I said as Jazzy and Harry appeared to the living room.

"Where exactlly are we going?" Spoke jazzy.

"The fair it's in town and guess who's going with me?" Kiara said as she did a little dance.

Is she okay? No she needs a mental hospital just kidding my cousin is quite sane.

"Let me guess Dominic" Jazzy said as she wiggled her eye brow.

Kiara simply nodded.

"You guys going out?" Harry asked while grabbing jazzy behind from the waist.

"Not yet well I hope after tonight he asks me" she said giggling

"I'm going with Rene I haven't seen him in like three days!" My voice sounding so dramatic.

"I'm going with this sexy thang" jazzy said as she kissed harry.

"Aww aww aww" Kiara and I said insynce

"And I'm going to 7th wheel" Aubrey said as she entered the kitchen In a towel and damp hair.

I saw Harry's eyes widen I felt like there was old flames between them I'll have to fine out later. Yes I know it's none of my bussness but come on I need to know!

"Aubrey shut up we have one of Dominic's friend comeing he's very attractive" Kiara said while winking.

"I seriously just got dumped wait never mind I seriously just got out of a realtionship and now you expect me to go with a random guy?" Her voice with a hint of hurt and sarcausm mostly sarcausm.

"He's not a random guy I know him he's very polite give him a chance he's very good looking too" I added.

She finally agreed and we all went off to get ready. Harry stayed in the living room doing what ever he does.

After we finished we all looked adorable no wait he all looked hot!

Aubrey wore high waisted shorts with a crop top with a light cardigan and her docs.
While me and jazzy wore destressed jeans with crop tops.
And Kiara wore a crop top and circle skirt.
Yes we all like crop tops.

Finally all the guys arrived and we were ready to go

I took this time to entroduce Aubrey to Ashton.

"Aubrey this is Ashton; Ashton this is Aubrey" I said introducing the two. Ashton was Australian and had a band named 5 seconds of summer there weren't big but they were amazing! I think the two are going to hit it off well.

Aubrey's Pov

My first impression of Ashton was he had the most adorable dimples they were so prominent it hurt. And he had a beautiful accent my accent wasn't anything unusual it was just an America accent boring right.

(A/N don't get mad or upset I have an American accent lol)

"I love your accent" Ashton said with a big smile.

I blushed.

"Oh please yours is like perfect" I said with an even bigger smile.

"So what kind of music do you like?" He said as we were getting into the van.

"I'm obsessed with boy bands" i admitted.

"Well that's good because I happen to be in a boy band" he said while winking.
I'm not sure why but that simple gesture made my heart flutter.

"Can you sing something?" I asked

"I'm mostly the drummer but fine just because you're cute" after he said that i died in my seat.

"You call me up
It's like a broken record
Saying that your heart hurts
That you'll never get over him getting over you
And you end up crying
and I end up lieing
'Cuz I'm just a sucker for anything that you do
And when the phone call finally ends
you'll say thanksFor being a friend
and were going in Circles again and again
I dedicate this song to you
the one who Never sees the truth
that I could take away your Heartbreak girl"

"That was amazing" I whispered
"Not as amazing as you" he smiled.

This boy had the smile of an angle.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate.

Already flirting? I thought you just got out of a relationship you whore -harryxx

Jealous much? Stop texting me I have better things to do like talk to ashton (; xx -Aubrey



So Ashton's in the story omg how amazing ❤️😂?

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