Chapter 3

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"Wake up Aubrey wake up" I felt someone jumping up and down on my bed.
"Leave me alone" I grumbled.
"Fine don't say hi to your brother."
"Omg Jimmy!" I yelled i got up and gave him a big hug.
"I missed you sissy dear!" He said with an awful accent.
"First your accent sucks second I thought you were coming next week? Third I missed you more!" I couldn't stop smiling I was so happy nothing could ruin my day !

"Shut up its fab" he stuck his tongue out at me "and I was but I decided to come earlier." He said with his big smile.
"So where's this girl I've been hearing about?" I asked I was so curious to see who she was.
He blushed
"You'll see tonight were haveing dinner with her family there coming over and get up your gonna be late!"
"Okay dad!" I said with sarcasum clear in my voice "and yay I'll be ready for tonight then" I ended the convo with a wink. He just rolled his light brown eyes at me.

I had finished changing. I wore a skater skirt with a blue crop top and a white cardagin with combate boots.

When I got down stairs I ate nuttela out of the jar classy I know.

Jimmy insisted on taking me so I gave up and said yes the ride was only about three minutes but it beat walking. Harry turned around and saw me hug and kiss Jimmy on the cheek. Harry instantly clenched his hands weird huh.

"I'll pick you up when you get out of school no buts okay" jimmy said I swear sometimes he acts like my dad.
"Okay dad" I said once again rolling my eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes at me " sarcasum evident in his voice.

The bell rang for first period Janel sat next to me as always.
The teacher Mr.Bailk gave us a worksheet when we were done he let us have the rest of the period to our selfs.

I decide to tell Janel everything that happened yesturday.
Instead of being happy her face dropped.
"What's wrong" I asked
"Aubrey it's just that Liam's in a relationship with Danielle.. And Harry's with Nancy".
My heat broke tears started forming.
I raised my hand "may I be excused to used the loo?"
(A/N they call restrooms the loo so yea lol back to the story)
"Yes go ahead take your things by the time you come back the bell would ring"
I took my things and ran out.
Tears everywhere why would they do that to me they made me feel loved ! I hated them!
Right when I turned I bumped into someone.
"Sorry" I mumbled
"It's fine .. Omg Aubrey are you okay?!"
Yay it was Harry can you hear my sarcasm
"Leave me alone!" I yelled
"What the hell did I do!" He scream back at me.
I laughed with tears apperent in my eyes I looked crazy!
"What did you do ? Umm let's start by you kissed me you made me fall for you when your with Nancy ohh yea that's about all you did!" I screamed even louder.
His face apperent with shock
"Aud I'm sorry I really am I like you I didn't mean"
I slapped him before he could finish.
He then go upset
"Why did you hit me you did the same thing I saw you kiss that guy in the car!" He yelled so loud I took a step back.
"That guy was my brother harry" my voice not so strong anymore
"Aud I'm sorry let me make it up to you" his green eyes filled with guilt
"Don't" is all I said
I called jimmy to come pick me up which he did. He asked why I was so upset and I told him he was my bestfriend I had to. All he said was "there both gonna pay" I giggled "aww and the big brother comes out" he chuckled "shut up".

(Dinner time)

I was waiting for Jimmy's girlfriend to arive with her family I finally herd the door bell ring I rushed down the stairs I was wearing a red flowy dress with black heals and my hair curled.
Once the door opened I saw a beautiful girl walk in it was funny because she remined me of.
Ohh no Harry .
He was right behind her.
Kill me now was my only thought.

"Mum dad Aubrey this is my beautiful girlfriend Gemma" he looked so happy with her she was beautiful she had the same to die for dimples as Harry.
I shook Gemma's hand as well as her mom Anne.
I just smiled at Harry which he smirked back dick much.

After dinner mum sent me and Harry up stairs To show him my room because they had something important to talk about.
Sometimes I feel like my moms just trying to make me suffer.
"Umm can I talk to you" I heard a thick accent behind me.
I ignored him and made my way to my room.
He grabbed me by my waist and pushed me to the wall pinning me.
"Don't ignore me" he said calmly.
I pushed him off but that didn't work.
"So slut you thought you could kiss Liam without me finding out huh?"
He slapped me.
"Harry you kissed me while you were with Nancy so you should be talking" I spit back equally as harsh.
He then forcefully smashed his lips into mine he bit my bottom lip asking for entrance which I denied he bit harder till I tasted blood.
He then pulled away from he and punched me in the stumick I fell on the floor due to the pain.
He then walked out like nothing. Wtf ?

I ran to my dresser and grabbed my blade and started slicing my skin when the door opened.
"Aubrey what the hell are you doing?!" Harry exclaimed
"Nothing leave me alone" I cried out.
He sat next to we and hugged me "shhh shhh it's okay baby"

Harry's Pov

I hit her because I was jealous she kissed Liam. I don't know why I would care I hate her right wrong the only thing my heart wanted was her but I'm her bully so I hate her .
I had forgotten my coat in her room when I went back upstairs I saw her in the floor bleeding?
Ohh my god no she's cutting her self what the actul fuck! did I cause this?
I quickly yelled "Aubrey what the hell are you doing?!" I exclaimed
"Nothing leave me alone" she cried out.
I sat next to her and hugged her "shhh shhh it's okay baby"
"Why" I asked my eyes threatening to spill tears.
"Why what" she snapped
"Why do you do this to your self " sadness evident in my voice.
"Guess what Harry your not the only one that can hurt me I can also do it!" she was crying uncontrollably.
"Aud I'm so sorry baby" I said while crying
Yes me Harry Edward Styles was crying over a girl not just a girl but the girl
The girl I loved...


Omg cliff hanger (: <3

Aww he loves her!!

I updated twice today #sweg

So do you think Aubrey feels the same?

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