Chapter 6

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The lions are all being lazy. The king is laying on the highest rock in the enclosure while the three females are lounging around on the lower grassy land. The three boys are hanging on the wrought iron fence, trying to coerce them into roaring. But the large cats are tuning them out.

The sun is warming my face, and I could use a nap, but I can't. On the way home, I might catch some sleep, if the boys let me. I sit on the bench and watch as Mom is fussing with Joseph. He wants to go see the elephants, and Gabe and T.J. just want to make their rounds through the cat enclosures.

Just as I look to my left, I see a beautiful blonde with her arms around a taller man; a good looking man. My breathing quickens and my heart begins to run. She smiles, and I recognize that smile. It's the same one from the photos in Shane's hallway.

I thought she passed away.

Nope. She is alive, and her jean shorts are so short that her bottom is beginning to poke out. Her skin is smooth and tan and soaking up the sun's rays as if it were a blessing from the heavens. He lifts his arms and unbuckles her hands from behind his neck. My heart stills when he turns and walks away, leaving her in his dusty exit.


A heavy lump fills into my throat, and I am not sure why. He's not mine. We sat out back of his place, had a few beers, and talked. That was all. Why should I care about him having or seeing another woman?

My back pocket vibrates and I retrieve my phone. Shane's name is printed across my screen, though I never gave him my number. But last night is still an alcoholic induced blur.

"Give me your phone." He laughs and snatches it from my hand. It is a minute that he studies something before the smiles wins over his concentration. "Come here. I have a question."

"Do you always pry into other people's personal items?" I bite and meet him on the back deck, leaning against the railing to see what he is so interested in. I put down my hand, but it's not just resting on the wood. I have his phone now. I hold it up and try to trade, but he's not accepting. "Smile."

I slide the screen up and press the camera. Scooting right tight to his side, I hold it up and snap a photo of us.

"I see how that is." He uses mine and begins taking photos of himself, and then us together.

He was putting his number into my contacts. He had to have. And I don't mind. I hit the green button and press it to my ear.


"Hey. Where are you?"

I turn my head to where I just saw him with that woman, but there is just a group of kids running past. "By the lions."

"Okay." And the phone is disconnected.

Instead of putting it away, I find my photos and I scroll through them, seeing all the ones of us. I am laughing, and when I tear myself away from my phone, my nephews are looking at me.

"What is so funny?" They gather beside me on the bench and look at the photo of Shane licking my cheek.

"I think he likes you, Auntie." Gabe nudges my leg. "There he is."

I look up and see the blond man standing beside Mom. His arms are folded across his chest and he is wearing the same blue t-shirt and jeans as the man who was just in a quick embrace with the beautiful woman to the left. It was Shane for sure, but maybe I was just imagining things.

I close my phone's screen and stick it back in the back pocket of my shorts. Suddenly, I wish I would have worn my jeans after seeing those long, slender legs that woman had. I am not that blessed. I wish I was, though.

I greet him with a smile, and he holds his hand out. Slipping mine into it, my heart beat picks up when he snaps his eyes over to me, and then little smile comes out. Is he wanting to hold my hand or ... Am I just assuming?

When I begin to pull away, he curls his fingers around mine and gives me a tug. "We will meet you over there."

I follow, glancing over my shoulder at the three boys heading the other direction with Mom. "Where are we going?"

"I want to do something with you."

"Are you going to accidently on purpose trip and knock me into the bear cage?"

"Thought crossed my mind. But, no."

"Then... What are we doing?" I follow still.

When we get to the opposite side of the park, I am met with a longer haired man wearing a red Hawaiian shirt and a pair of beige cargo shorts. He quick gives Shane a man-hug and claps him hard on the back.

"We are going together." He keeps my hand in his, and I finally see the sign. Zip-line across the Zoo.

My breath catches in my throat and I shake my head. I am not equipped to zip line across the compound. I am not equipped for heights at all. Being five-seven and a hundred-fifty pounds, there is no way that line could hold our weight together. Why would he want to go with me, anyway? I've seen the woman he was with and who was plastered all over his hallway wall. I'm not even close to looking anything that good.

"That's so great, dude. I am totally happy." His attention turns to me as his smile widens, showing off the crooked teeth. "Come give me some sugar."

Before I move, his arms wrap around me, keeping me from running off. But, I am not itching to get away. The enjoyment is actually embracing me.

"My boy, Shane, will treat you like the queen you are." He keeps his arm across my shoulder and turns his look to Shane. "It's about time he has someone who will actually be good to him. And talk about beautiful."

I shake my head, but the guy whistles and makes it clear that he is checking me out. "I'm nothing special."

"If Shane is paying attention to you, trust me, you are." He winks and releases me.

"We are going."

"No. You can." I step back.

"We are going."



"Fine," I agree, only because the attendant is already shaking the harness at me.

"I'll be right with you, and as long as I keep hold of the handle, you will be just fine."

When his eyes catch the sun, the lasers come out and shoot straight into my heart. I am hooked. I am seriously hooked already. I can't look away.

"I said okay."

His smile draws me in, and I allow his friend to secure the harness on me while Shane is buckling his own. We approach the platform, and I take in the view. We are almost above the tree tops and I can oversee the enclosures of everything. My heart decides to drop into the bottom of my stomach, and I step closer to Shane.

"It will be just fine." His arm wraps around me and draws me even closer to him. Being under his arm, and wrapped in his security, I know that I am in good hands. And I want to stay there. "Since you are doing this for me, I will buy you one of those big stuffed kitties to hold on to on the ride home."

"The biggest one?"

"The biggest one."


The metal clamp takes a final click and I am attached to Shane, and Shane is attached to the rope that it taut and above our heads. Where the other end is, I am not sure. I can't find it yet. Sucking in a few deep breaths, I try to calm the jitters that are overtaking my body. Being with Shane, I know that I won't get hurt, but I am high in the air. Too high, and the ride is already heading for the ground.

"Scared?" His warm breath tickles my neck and heats up my insides. My heart activates and kicks into high gear, realizing that we are just seconds from shooting down this line, above the ground, with nothing but a tether holding on to us.

My feet freeze and my legs shake. I wrap my arms around his waist and the tears pack into my eyes. What in the hell was I thinking? His arm tucks under mine and his hand is secured to my chest. Before I even know it or realize, I am torn off the platform and the wind is in my hair and hitting my face. I have no idea what I just got myself into. 

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