Chapter 25

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Sitting up never felt so good. I am able to watch who is coming in and out. Though, still no sign of that handsome blond haired man I fell in love with. Nor that cute little girl who wanted to cuddle with me that one night. But, Mom comes in regularly to check on my progress and Quinn pokes his head in, but we don't talk much now that I am able to make out some pretty slurry sentences.

Most of the time, Grandma is here and she is laughing at me because of the way I speak. And when she laughs, I laugh and then understanding me is hopeless.

Doc Masters says the same thing, however, he gifted me a pretty glittery pink notebook and a couple pencils to write with. We did get a good laugh out of the first note I wrote, too. I knew what it was supposed to say, but apparently my hand didn't get the correct memo and there were some pretty interesting squiggles going on in my message.

Therapists come in each day and sometimes twice a day depending on how I am doing. Sometimes we work on my speech, and other times, activities such as writing, doing little puzzles, or just concentrating on basic movements with my limbs. It sure does keep me busy so there isn't really much time for visitors.

When dinner arrives, I peer under the plastic dome and my stomach clenches in disagreement. I am hungry as my tummy was growling before when the loft of food appeared, but as the mashed up macaroni and some sort of sauce appears, my stomach is revolting.

I roll my eyes and give the tray a nudge. Starving seemed better than trying to choke down the mush.

"There is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Ryan's voice bellows through the room before he peaks around the corner.

My heart jumps and I wave him in.

"I heard you were alone today because everyone else had things to do, so I took the day off to come visit." The scent of fresh sandwiches litter the room. "I brought you something good to eat."

I thank him, but he just stares blankly at me not understanding my way of communicating yet.

"I stopped by Quinn's earlier. Dude is a blubbering mess. What the hell happened?" Snatching the bag, he tips it over and dumps out two long sub sandwiches.

"Why is he a mess?" I try to spit out, but it came out in some language that I wasn't even sure I knew what it was.

"I'm going to take it that you are pleased that I am here and want to marry me." He smirks. "I love you more than anyone else, Hanner-Bannaner."

"Just because we jumped out of a plane together doesn't mean that I am in love with you." I laugh knowing he is just making up whatever he thinks I am saying. Ryan is a fun person and because of him, I experienced something I never imagined I would. I jumped involuntarily out of plane because of him. And I would never take that moment back, either. For as much as I was a bumbling mess, it was something I didn't regret.

"Ah, I'm just playing with you." He tugs the visitor chair up to the bed, turns the tray toward him, and opens up his sandwich. "I miss you, Baby-doll."

Miss me? Why? I've been stuck in this damn hospital since... Whatever happened. And I am still not sure that it was my own brother who hit me with his car or I just dreamed that. If I just had one clear memory, I would be good. Then, the rest would certainly come running after it and I would know exactly why I am in the hospital.

"Excuse me, but visitation is for family members only." The older nurse stops at the door and her eyes instantly darts to the sandwiches. "And this is not appropriate for her."

"She can eat. I've already spoken to her doctor." He stands.

"Not junk. And especially not something thick and heavy as this. Now," she grabs the tray and slides it away from me. "Who are you and why are you in this room?"

"I am her fiancé. And I am allowed in her room."

"I do not have you on the listing."

"How do you even know? You don't have the listing in your hand." The man who stands just a little taller than me retreats to the chair and sits back down. "It's bad enough I almost lost her and now you are trying to keep me from her."

"Then, what is your name?" Her hand slams down on her hips and the eagle eyes are narrowing in on him.

"Shane Bartholomew."

Those words strike me, a knife plunges deep in my chest. This was not Shane Bartholomew or the man I was in love with. Was it?

No! Shane was tall. Maybe six-foot-tall and he had blond hair. Blond hair and these laser blue eyes that I love getting lost in.

This shaggy, dark haired man is Ryan. I should know. I jumped out of the plane being attached to him.

My breath is gone and my heart is beating harder than it ever has. The beeping on the monitor is increasing its speed and the nurse is now fidgeting with the machine.

"Hanner-Bananner, you need to take a couple deep breaths and calm down for me." His hand cups mine and there is a ring on my left hand. A beautiful diamond ring. Bigger than my sister-in-laws, both of theirs, and any of the friends I used to have. "Look at me."

Into his brown eyes, I search, but this was not the man I was in love with. This was Ryan Prescott, Shane's best friend. The man who came after me, and spent the day with me when the evil-sister-in-law attack just before the wedding. This was the man who was furious when Shane had the blonde ex in the house instead of me. Ryan was someone I enjoyed talking with and hanging out with, but not the one who mended my heart.

Doctor Masters walks in, his smile wide on his face, and he claps Ryan in the back. "Hey, I was paged that you were here. How is it going, Shane?"

"Not bad. Just figured I would bring Hanner-Nanner a sandwich from our favorite place. But, the guard nurse is on duty." The smile pops out, and it is Shane's smile. But, this was Shane's friend! This was not Shane!

What is going on? 

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