Chapter 23

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My eyes flutter open. The lights are bright. The room is littered with people, and I have no clue as to who they are, where my mom is, or if Quinn is there ... or Shane.

"Well, good afternoon, Hannah." The guy who is really familiar smiles, and I try to speak, but I am not able to move my mouth yet. And when I look down, there is something that is blurred below my nose. Something strange, and I can't quite make out what it is. "It's me, Hannah. Doctor Masters. Are you in any pain right now?"

I blink twice. Pain? No. Nothing is hurting right now. My head, though. It's a little foggy, but I can manage.

"This morning, we took out the breathing tube, but your lungs aren't wanting to work right for us. But, that is okay. I'm thinking they will begin to work on their own in a day or two." He points to the blurred thing that is apparently taping my mouth closed. And I can understand the pull when I try to move my lips. It isn't the fact that I can't talk, but that I physically am not able to.

"I have her mom and brother waiting outside. Should I have them come back?" A woman's voice spreads through the room and steals the doctor's attention. He mumbles something, and then I hear the door shut.

"You don't want to see anyone, do you?" A smile spreads over his face.

I blink once. I have questions, and I can't ask them by blinking. I need to know what was going on. I need to know if I am dreaming about Shane, or if I really know him. And if I do know him, why isn't anyone talking about him?

"I am sure you do." He laughs. "But, I need to check you over first. My job is to make sure you are doing better."

I blink, but nothing. He hasn't asked anything, and I don't know how to tell him or talk to him otherwise. But, I want to know what is going on. I wake up in the hospital, then go to sleep to wake back up in my life as if nothing happened. What in the hell is going on?

"I would like to see some more improvement, Hannah. I traded my day off just to see if I can get you a little more involved in your healing. Would you do that for me?"

I blink, but have no clue as to what he is talking about.

I blink, and my heart begins to pound a little harder. It hurts and feels like a hammer bashing on the walls of my chest, but it isn't pounding out of control.

A swoosh of warmth gushes through my body and I am tugged into the heavy slumber once again.

"Welcome back, Hannah." He stands over me again and uses a pen to flash a light in my eyes. I hate it, but the ball of black fuzz disappears quickly and I can see his face again. "I have some people waiting to see you. Are you wanting to see anyone today?"

I blink once. I would rather know what is going on and what is wrong with me.

"It didn't look good there for a while, Hannah. I hope you are finished scaring everyone." He smiles, but doesn't proceed any further. Just checks some monitors and does something out of my line of sight. "I understand your brother has been here quite a few times. And your mom. They are wanting to know when you will be ready for more visitors."

Like Shane?

I blink at my own question, which is foolish. He can't hear me at all.

"I'm always watching your monitors. And this one shows me your vitals. They have been constant for the past twenty-four hours now. And that is fabulous." He turns the screen and messes with something else. "I know this can be super scary, but I want you to know that I am doing everything I can to get you better. And..." A large needle comes into view, and he pushes the plunger just enough that liquid squirts out the end. "I'm taking a lot of risks and chances on you. Don't let me down."

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