Chapter 10

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The ground is approaching, and it's a large, open field. Once my feet hit the ground, I will be happy. The tears are hot and they are filling up in my goggles. I want this to be over with. Now. I hate this. I hate the free falling at almost one-hundred-twenty miles per hour to the ground. Once that cord is pulled, our bodies are jerked back and the wind catches the chute. There will be bruising. I can guarantee that.

My stomach is trying to crawl up my throat. Thoughts keep running through my mind as to where Shane is and what happened with his jump. Not knowing is like millions of mosquitoes are swarming around me, biting me, and sucking all the blood out. And I am not able to do a damn thing.

Is he hurt?

Is he alive?

"Here we go, Hannah!" Ryan yells, and my heart decides to take off beating hard in my chest, damaging all the muscles and tissues around it.

It wasn't that long ago that we were above the treetops and the scenery was actually beautiful. But we were floating. Now, we are heading to the ground at lightning speed and I don't know if my legs are even going to let me work.

But, I need to get to Shane. I need to see him.

"Alright! Hannah! Get ready!" he yells again. This time, we are right there. I lift my feet as he instructed over and over in our training.

I am finally on the ground, still tethered to Ryan, and there are people running toward us. Straps are tugging every which way, and I don't know what the hell to do. My heart is pounding and my chest is collapsing. I can't breathe.

I want this to be over with. Done. No more. Never again will I do something like this. A guy I haven't seen before gets to me first, and he's tugging my harness and unhooking straps and things. Once I am freed, I manage to stand on my shaking legs and stagger through the field to the van that is parked on the side of the highway.

The cries come out, and I can't stop them. The thought of falling toward the earth still flashes into my mind. Sky diving was not fun. And I didn't care that it was tandem. I was never going again.

"Come on, Hannah. It was successful." Ryan's hand presses down on my shoulder to help ease back my cries.

"No! What happened to him, Ryan? What's wrong with him?"

Using the backs of my hands, I wipe away the fallen tears, but even more begin to take their place. If Shane is hurt, I will never forgive myself. To find out that he jumped once before, and neglected to pull his shoot ... sky diving was the stupidest thing he could do. How could he not tell me when he took me up in that plane? Why didn't he tell me that he almost lost his life to something so dangerous, careless, and stupid?

"He's fine, Hannah!" He cocks his thick brow and his hazel eyes attach to mine. "That was three years ago that he damn near died. I don't let him jump without an automatic activation device. If he fails to pull, it will activate at a certain height or time."

"You said there was a problem with one of the jumpers! I heard you! Don't lie to me about his life, Ryan!" The tears come faster and hotter. Without realizing what I am doing, my hands are on his chest and I am shoving him as hard as I can. "You are supposed to be his friend! How can you..."

A smile breaks his face and he wraps his arms around me to contain me from beating him up. "They said there was no problems with the jumper, Hannah. No problems. I trust Shane, and I am his best friend. I'm not going to let him do something that will hurt him. He's my boy. I take care of my friends."

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