Chapter 7

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The sizzle brings a heavenly scent into the air and my stomach growls, attacking me from the inside to tell me I need to eat. Tonight, after walking around the zoo all day and zip lining, I am starving. We discussed having dinner ordered out again, but I am tired of fried food and pizza. I am ready for something homemade.

 Now, Shane is proving his skills at cooking right now. He is at the stove, his back to me, and I can see the muscles moving under the blue cotton fabric.

"Are you going to tell me what we are having?" It isn't that I am picky, but I would like to know if I am going to be surprised with slimy food that I have to choke down or something I don't want to stop eating.


"Am I going to like it?"


"Then why are you making it for me?"

"Because, it's the easiest way to poison you." He turns, a smile spreading over his face. "Do you always have to be so nosy? Can't you trust me?"

But I do trust him. Otherwise, I wouldn't have done that zip line with him. Honestly, I probably won't do it again, but it wasn't that bad. And it was over before I even realized it. My gift was a Siberian tiger stuffed cat that he ended up carrying around the zoo with him for the rest of the day.

"You know the guy from the zoo? The zip line guy."

"I do," he answers, but turns back to the hot cast iron pan that is throwing up even more delicious, mouth-watering scents as he adds some seasoning. "Ryan Prescott. We've been friends since high school."

"How long ago was that?" I rest my arms on the counter and brush off the drool on my lip. My stomach unleashes its anger and bites at me again, begging for something to suppress it.

"Um ... I am thirty-five ... so ... yeah, that long ago." His laugh reaches over and surrounds me, and I welcome it. Being around him, I am starting to have a happiness come back that I thought was gone forever. There was just something so settling about this man. "Ryan is a sky diving instructor, and he started up his own diving company and works at the zoo part-time while business is slow."

"Sky diving? Let me guess..."

"Yes. I am one of his clients." Stepping away from the steaks, he begins on the veggies that are steaming on some grill pan or hot plate thing I've never seen before. "I am going this weekend."

"Is it safe?"

His eyes focus on me, his left brow is higher than the other, and his smile is nowhere to be seen. "What do you mean, is it safe? It's jumping out of an airplane."

"I know that. I've seen it on television."

But was it safe? What would happen if he couldn't get his shoot open? Does he do it alone, or is he attached to someone like the movies show?

My heart picks up speed as I study him. The thickened, heavy lump returns to my throat and just sits there, drawing together more insecurities. If the shoot didn't open, he would smack the ground and die instantly. What if he jumps at the wrong time and his oxygen levels are depleted, and he passes out in the air and isn't able to pull the cord to release the shoot?

I've never met someone who's been sky diving before.Thousands of scenarios begin to play over in my mind.  With his brows relaxing, he comes over to me already knowing  the thoughts that are entering my mind.

He sits beside me and releases a loud breath. "Don't worry about it. I will be fine. Ryan is nothing but safe."

"How can I not worry? You forced yourself into my life, and now, you're telling me that you are doing this ... death-jump..." His hand cups my cheek, the pad of this thumb rubbing circles on my skin, and my butterflies take notice, wake up, and begin dancing.

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