Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I'm really super new to this, I'm going to be extra busy this month, so please if the chapters are delayed, understand, please! Well here's chapter one!

It was a day like any other, Dean worked on a car at The Garage, a car shop. "Dean I'm off to the store be back in an hour," Bobby told Dean as he exited the workspace of the car shop, raising a hand to wave farewell towards his employee.

"Okay, Bobby. See you later then." Though Dean barely looked at him, his entire world basically wrapped around fixing this car, he had just replaced filters for the air conditioner and now he had to work on getting the coolant to stop oozing out of the car. 'There's something in here that has a hole or something, I can't find it though. Damn your car, customer..' He thought, though continued to work at it tirelessly.

It had been at least a good forty-five minutes of Dean quietly cursing under his breath and huffing at the car for having such a complicated setup, but he eventually managed to fix the leaking tube.

         He wiped his hands on his flannel and stood himself up to stretch and loosen the tense muscles in his shoulders and lower back; soon after walking to the small bathroom in the back to finish cleaning his hands. 

          Shortly after cleaning up and being sure that every precise part of his schedule was finished, he waved farewell to Bobby and got into his 67' Chevy Impala and began to make his way  to his favorite coffee shop which his brother conveniently owned and opened only a few blocks from 'The Garage.' 

          Every day he'd drive down there and chat with his brother Sam to see how he was doing, sometimes he'd even help in the back to take any extra stress or worry away from his brother's mind, knowing that owning something as busy and 'trendy' as a coffee shop was extremely stressful at fast-paced times. However, it wasn't like he hated helping, it felt nice to do something besides fix cars, it gave him time to blow off any steam. Everything seemed perfectly organized and content in his life. 

Though, peacefulness in Dean's life couldn't seem to last forever. 

       A week had gone by since Dean had seen a new or frequent customer, and it was a bit worrying for him and Bobby, money was always rather tight with the business, so this happening was odd and definitely something to be talked about.

      Dean was working today, merely on computer filing and finance, something he rarely did. Due to their schedule being so empty though, Dean had time today. He was working diligently and silently in his and Bobby's shared office when he was suddenly interrupted by a loud opening of the door of their office and Bobby's low voice breathing out gruff curses before even more surprised by the slam that followed the older male's footsteps. 

"Jesus Bobby.." Dean muttered as he turned himself around, though his heart sank when he met Bobby's expression. "..I don't like that look."

"As well you shouldn't. I won't sugarcoat it. There's a new and more popular repair shop around the block." Bobby stated through another cold huff, clearly displeased and worried. "On top of that, the city is back on my back about all of the foundational issues of our shop."

"But those things could be fixed at some point, couldn't they?" Dean hopefully asked, but Bobby simply shook his head and raised his arms to cross them over his chest.

"We don't have that kind of money, and loans won't do us any good if we can't repair them. I can't keep this up forever, I'm getting older, Dean." Bobby pointed out before stalking forwards enough to uncross one arm and gently pat the younger male's shoulder. "I've been putting it off for weeks, telling you this-- but we're closing Dean."

That was all it took, for Dean's eyes to suddenly burn and spasm with tears of confusion and hurt, what would he do? This was his home, his passion... Bobby was so willing to give it up after the years they had spent building it up and establishing its place in the town. He understood, a little... Bobby was right, it wasn't like they could compete with a popular company that was too close to theirs. 

"Then... I'll... go tell Sam." Dean muttered as his lips pursed into a thin line, annoyance and grief glazing his greenish whirlpool eyes before sitting himself up abruptly and excusing himself from the office-- and shop altogether to go out to his car and soon drive himself to Sam's coffee house. 

Oops, I fell in love (coffee shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now