Chapter 23

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Dean and Castiel walked into work, a little baffled as of why Sam and Gabriel weren't here yet and the counters and floor were covered in things that had fallen off the counters.

"Can't the customers clean up their own messes.. geez.." Dean mumbled grabbing the broom and starting to sweep up the broken plastic cups and coffee stirrers.

Castiel went to check the cameras to see who'd made the mess so they could confront them and ask them to not do it again.

A loud girlish scream came from the office, and Dean dropped everything he was doing and ran to the office, stopping by Castiel.

"Cas are you okay baby? Do you need me to call 911?" Dean crouched on the ground beside the chair Castiel was sitting in, trying to get him to calm down.

"THE FOOTAGE! I-THEY--.. DEAN..WATCH IT!" He covered his eyes and whimpered, rocking back and forth in horror.

Dean watched about 8 minutes of it, then turned off the computer. "So my brother and your cousin are engaged, thats good." Dean shrugged, "why are you so scared?" Dean pulled Castiels hands from his eyes and pulled him up so that Dean could sit down and Castiel could sit down in his lap. 

"K-keep watching.." Castiel buried his face into Deans chest, still swaying and internally screaming.

Dean watched about a quarter of Sam and Gabriel, his eyes frozen in disgust and horror.

"EW!!!!!" Dean threw the computer at the wall and screamed into Castiels trench coat. 

"EW EWEWEWEWEEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWWWWW!" They both said, then looked up when the coffee shop door opened. "I touched the counter.." Dean whined, then got up, locking the door to the office.

"Now I can't look at my little brother without picturing.. sin." Dean shivered and quietly said 'ew' again.

"Y'know.." Castiel started and got up, "You've done that to me before." Castiel snaked his hands around Deans waist and kissed his neck softly, letting his hot breath ghost over Deans neck. A quiet almost inaudible 'oh god' escaping Dean as he turned around and kissed Castiel softly, having to hold himself back.

"Is that all I get?" Castiel whimpered, looking into Deans eyes sadly. "I want more," Castiel purred into Deans ear.

"Don't wanna end up like Sammy and Gabriel hmm? Secrets of Sex revealed!" Dean threw his arms into the air dramatically, leaving Castiel unlocking the door and running out to escape the embarrassment. 

"Hey Cassie." Gabriel was cleaning up the mess over the counter and Sam was bent over picking up the mess on the floor, Gabriel discreetly sneaking glances at Sam's ass.

"You should clear the cameras before you leave." Dean walked in, glaring at Sam and Gabriel, who'd both stopped and slowly looked over at Dean.

"Wh-haattt for?" Gabriel laughed nervously. 

"Your facial expression explains it pretty well." Castiel added, shivering from disgust, but getting amusement out of embarrassing them.

"Oh god.." Sam looked at Dean, who was glaring at Gabriel, "I thought I said no fucking on the counters." Dean growled, now slightly irritated.

"But It feels so good against-"

"NO!" Sam ran over to Gabriel and covered his mouth.

"We'll take note of that next time Dean." Sam pulled Gabriel to the rest of the mess and all of them cleaned the rest of the time silently.

Oops, I fell in love (coffee shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now