Chapter 3

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"Morning Dean." Sam greeted from behind the counter as he brewed the coffee for the day 

 "Hey, Sa-" Dean nearly got out but was immediately displeased once he saw Gabriel sitting on the counter, his legs swinging beneath him. 

A loud 'POP!' filled the quiet coffee shop as Gabriel pulled a sucker out of his mouth. "Why are you here?" Dean growled, "I'm visiting my moose." He replied with a happy grin and jumped off the counter and walked to the door that led to where the coffee was brewed and where the freezer was.

 "That little..." Dean mumbled under his breath, Gabriel was going to be the down to all his days, but he began thinking.. why did he dislike Gabriel in the first place?...

 "Hey, Dean!" Sam called as he popped his head out from the door and walked out with supplies for the day, Gabriel right behind him, of course, he was, Gabriel was like a lost kitten following a stranger around.

The coffee house door opened loudly and Dean swung around.

 The store wasn't open who was here? 

"Hey, Castiel!" Sam waved at the male but earned a mere half smile in reply.

 His eyes narrowed and his shoulders hunched forwards from what seemed like extreme exhaustion and nervousness. "Hi.." his narrowed eyes scanned the room and his stoic gaze locked on Dean. He pointed. "What is that?" 

The question earned a loud and unionized laugh from Sam and Gabriel before Sam warmly grinned and pointed towards Dean. "That's my brother, Dean, Castiel." Gabriel quickly leaning forwards to whisper something into Sam's ear before softly chuckling and proudly grinning. 

'What did he whisper?' Dean thought almost enviously but simply kept his gaze fixed on the male who had entered. He looked odd, maybe it was because his pale skin contrasted so greatly with his piercingly ocean blue eyes, tidal pools practically wavering within them as Dean locked his eyes with Castiel's.

"Hmph. Does he need to be trained?" Castiel asked, looking reluctant to tear his gaze away before staring at Sam and Gabriel.

"No. He doesn't you two can go straight to work." Sam reassured, looking between the two before his eyes rested on Dean, whose jaw had dropped so low it was practically touching the floor. Why was he staring so intently at Castiel? The glimmering shock in his brother's eyes reminding him how Gabriel stared at him when they spoke. 'I know that look. Dean thinks one of my employees is cute, doesn't he? Too bad Cas is as quiet as a mouse.'

"Dean," Sam announced loudly, his older brother spinning back into reality to stare awkwardly over at him before a clear blush tainted his tanned cheeks, embarrassedly grumbling before he stalked off to begin his work-- Castiel's eyes burning right through his usual negative thoughts and instead remained entranced with the shades of blue he wasn't able to identify within the male's glare. 

Rush hour had begun, Dean was taking orders and making sure the order was correct, and he had to manage the register, he felt at home, although the small coffee shop was buzzing with energy and everyone was rushing around, Dean found himself completely serene, half the time he didn't hear Sam chatting to him, he was in his own little bubble of silence. 

After the rush hour passed, it slowed down. A LOT, noon was when there was really no one there. So everyone was on break and just hanging around waiting for someone to come in and order. 

Of course... Dean found himself 'discreetly' staring over at Castiel, who was sitting at a corner table sketching something out. 

Dean walked out from behind the counter and quietly escorted himself to stand behind Castiel. "Hey," Dean said quietly, in an attempt not to spook him, but when Castiel turned around he threw his water at Dean in some weak attempt to defend himself against the unexpected greeting.

 "Oh heavens!" Castiel exclaimed, "let me get you some towels.." He speedily ran over to the counter and took a small towel behind a few items walked back over to where Dean stood to give it to him.

 "And what encouraged that sudden reaction?" Dean said as he looked down and began wiping his shirt. 

"Sorry, when people sneak up on me and snoop over my shoulder I tend to not like it." He uttered with a somewhat shameful and agitated tone, glaring at Dean with a sense of forced irritation. 

"I wasn't snooping, I just happened to see you sitting alone and thought you'd like to talk.." Dean turned around and threw the towel to the floor behind the counter. Dean shrugged, "excuuuuse me for trying to be nice." Practically hissing at Castiel. He turned towards the counter and walked back and started wiping down the counters, but he couldn't help his own curiosity and would occasionally glance Castiel's way to glance his figure over.

Oops, I fell in love (coffee shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now