Chapter 19

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Sam hung back on the counter, watching the door, waiting for Castiel and Dean to walk in.

"They probably got drunk and slept in." Gabriel hoisted himself onto the counter beside Sam and looked at Sam, more fully, Sam's lips. "Baaaabe!" Gabriel whined, frowning.

"Okay okay, you're probably right." Sam turned to Gabriel and kissed him, biting his bottom lip teasingly. Earning a quiet gasp of pleasure from Gabriel.

"Let's get started on the day, if they don't come in by 12:00 I'll call them." Sam said, pulling back from the kiss, leaving a very displeased and needy Gabriel.


Twelve o' clock rolled around and Sam heard the loud purring from the Impala pulling up outside. He finished with the customer he was helping then walked outside to ask Dean why he was so late.

Dean got out of the car, his legs almost immediately giving out beneath him. "Hey Sammy." He looked up, trying to stand straight.

Sam gave him a odd look, than glanced at Castiel who was standing by the car completely fine. Then eventually he glanced over at Dean, but hesitated, then did his best to walk over without tripping.

Sam shrugged and walked back inside, going back to his customers.

"Damnit Cas.." Dean groaned, his legs trembling beneath him, "why do you have to be such an angel?" He half joked. "Sorry for making last night to enjoyable." Castiel laughed quietly, helping Dean to the door, "no mentioning this to anyone." Dean let go of Castiel then walked in.

"LUCIFER, SAMANDRIEL, BALTHAZAR, AND RUBY STOP BREAKING STUFF!" Gabriel yelled, trying to catch his cousins attention.

"NOPE!" Ruby laughed evilly, dropping a coffee machine onto the ground, "sorry little cousin!" She stuck her tongue out and disappeared to the other side of the room before Gabriel could freeze her.

"BALTHAZAR NO! YOURE AN ANGEL YOU ARE TOO SAMANDRIEL WHAT THE HECK!" Gabriel eventually was able to pin them both to walls, glaring at them. "STAY THERE."

"Hey G-.." Dean stopped, looking out from the kitchen. He walked out, "what is going on?!" He looked at the two pinned to the wall and Ruby, who was standing on top  of a counter kicking stuff off the counter, with Lucifer helping.

"Is that..- Y'know what, have fun." Dean turned around and walked out, not bothering to try and ask. As he assumed most of Gabriel's relatives were angels.

"CAS!" Dean yelled into the kitchen.

"Yes Dean?" Castiel popped his head out from the freezer.

"Your cousins are all angels?" Dean sighed, giving him a questioning look. "W-well.. Gabriel.. and Balth.. they are.. u-uhh.." Castiel mumbled.

"What are the other two?" Dean crossed his arms.

"Dean you'd break up with me." He frowned, his eyes averting Deans glare. "No!" Dean walked over to him. "I didn't break up with you because you were an angel." He leaned against the counter. "Why would they be different?"

Castiel stuttered. "Well there's angels.. angels don't just sit on earth and stuff.. we have a reason.. for being here." He blabbered on. "We make sure D-demons don't reel havoc on humans.. which would be Ruby.. s- she's a demon.. and uh.. L-Lucifer he's-"

"LUCIFER?!" Dean stared in confusion, "you're telling me your related to the Devil?!" He threw his arms into the air.

"I'm sorry Dean.." Castiel frowned, wiping tears from his eyes in attempt to keep from breaking out into a cry. He wanted to cry because he didn't want to be left alone again because of who he was, or what he'd been doing.

Castiel looked at Dean, then scooted past him, casually walking out of the kitchen, then ran to his car crying.

"Damnit.." Dean mumbled and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing, then walked out of the kitchen.

"Alright all of you are gonna tell me about Cas, then you're going to tell me who you all are and how you're related to Cas.

Gabriel, Ruby, Balthazar, Lucifer and Samandriel looked at Dean, then glanced at each other, the room becoming silent.

Dean pointed to Ruby and Lucifer, "you two, spill." He growled, now frustrated and a little hurt.

"We're Castiels cousins, our parents were brother and sister. Castiel has kind of had.. a bad past with relationships.." Ruby looked at Dean, clearly not intimidated. "And when he was younger Dad never let him go anywhere because he thought Cas was doing drugs!" Samandriel spoke up. "He was just studying with friends, but Cassie never corrected Dad though. He was too scared." Samandriel finished and sat back down.

"He started having mental health issues, and made up his own world, he was checked into a nuthouse when he was 16. He never talked, or ate, or did anything. He just stared into space." Balthazar added from where he was frozen to a wall from Gabriel.

"Yeah, then one of the staff members started talking and hanging out with him." Gabriel unfroze Samandriel and Balthazar, letting them sit down.

"What was their name?" Dean snapped his glare to Gabriel, demanding the answer.

"Crowley." Lucifer got off the counter, helping Ruby down, then both of them sat on a table nearby.

"He was a very nice person, and after about a year and a half Castiel started talking, but only to Crowley. I mean.. they kinda started dating.. it wasn't serious or anything.. I mean Crowley was almost ten years older than Cassie." Ruby shrugged, but her gaze had hardened to a stern glare.

"Then he kidnapped Cas. And he tortured Cassie, it was terrible."
Samandriel frowned, looking at Dean.

"Crowley left Cassie alone. Alone in a broken down building. He left him to die." Samandriel continued.

"After a while we gave up looking, it had been almost 6 months both Crowley and Cas hadn't been seen. Castiel had managed to make it to a rehab center in Sioux Falls, well it wasn't really a rehab, this lady named Jody took him in. He was okay for a little, then when he was well enough he came back here. Crowley was found and he wasn't seen again, I assume he was thrown in jail."

"Oh oh, and then Castiel dated two other girls after that, I think one was named Anna, she was really sweet, but they had to break up because she was moving away with her grandparents until they died, then she met someone else, it tore little ol' Cassie up super bad." Gabriel finished the story.

"Oh." Dean managed to breathe out, not realizing how much effort Castiel was putting into their relationship.

"That's why he's so scared and upset." Lucifer yawned. "Also, hello, I'm Lucifer." He waved at Dean.


"Our family was extremely religious Dean. We prayed God would send Angels down to frighten the evil away. Instead of Angels, some of us became Demons. Or,.. Satan. Most of us have been around for over 100 years. Cassie is the newest Angel. He's only been one for.." Gabriel trailed off, not really sure how many years Castiel had become privileged with the angelic celestial being powers and prophetic visions.

"So I should probably go.. talk to him then.." Dean slowly made his way to the door. "If I were you, I'd use your demon and angel mojo if you have any, to clean up this mess before Sam gets here, you don't want to see him angry." Dean walked out of the shop, and walked to his car, now mentally slapping himself for being upset with Castiel.

Oops, I fell in love (coffee shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now